Many academics use yearly publication numbers to quantify academic interest for their research topic. While such visualisations are ubiquitous in grant applications, manuscript introductions, and review articles, they fail to account for the rapid growth in scientific publications. As a result, any search term will likely show an increase in supposed "academic interest". One proposed solution is to normalise yearly publication rates by field size, but this is arduous and difficult. Here, we propose an simpler index that normalises keywords of interest by a ubiquitous and innocuous keyword, such as "banana". Alternatively, one could opt for field-specific keywords or hierarchical structures (e.g. PubMed's Medical Subject Headings, MeSH) to compute "interest market share". Using this approach, we uncovered plausible trends in academic interest in examples from the medical literature. In neuroimaging, we found that not the supplementary motor area (as was previously claimed), but the prefrontal cortex is the most interesting part of the brain. In cancer research, we found a contemporary preference for cancers with high prevalence and clinical severity, and notable declines in interest for more treatable or likely benign neoplasms. Finally, we found that interest in respiratory viral infections spiked when strains showed potential for pandemic involvement, with SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic being the most extreme example. In sum, the time is ripe for a quick and easy method to quantify trends in academic interest for anecdotal purposes. We provide such a method, along with software for researchers looking to implement it in their own writing.
翻译:许多学者用年度出版数字来量化其研究主题的学术兴趣。 虽然这种视觉化在赠款申请、手稿介绍和评论文章方面无处不在,但它们并没有说明科学出版物的快速增长。 因此,任何搜索术语都可能显示所谓的“兴趣”的增加。 一个拟议的解决方案是按实地规模使年度出版率正常化,但这是一个艰巨和困难的。在这里,我们提出了一个更简单的索引,用无处不在的、无端的关键词(如“香蕉”等,来将兴趣的关键词正常化。 或者,人们可以选择具体针对外地的词句或等级结构(例如,PubMed's Medical sublical sublications addings, MeSHH)来计算“利息份额”。 使用这种方法,我们发现了从医学文献中实例中的学术兴趣的明显趋势。 在神经成形中,我们发现补充的马达领域(如先前所说)并不是大脑最令人感兴趣的部分。在癌症研究中,我们发现当代的癌症偏爱度和临床研究中最容易出现, 和临床上最容易出现一个令人感兴趣的方法。