A lot of work in social virtual reality, including our own group's, has focused on effectiveness of specific social behaviours such as eye-gaze, turn taking, gestures and other verbal and non-verbal cues. We have built upon these to look at emergent phenomena such as co-presence, leadership and trust. These give us good information about the usability issues of specific social VR systems, but they don't give us much information about the requirements for such systems going forward. In this short paper we discuss how we are broadening the scope of our work on social systems, to move out of the laboratory to more ecologically valid situations and to study groups using social VR for longer periods of time.
翻译:在社会虚拟现实中的许多工作,包括我们自己的团体的工作,都侧重于特定社会行为的效力,例如眼视、转眼、手势和其他口头和非口头提示。我们在此基础上研究了共同存在、领导和信任等突发现象。这些都为我们提供了关于特定社会 VR 系统的可用性问题的良好信息,但并没有给我们多少关于这种系统未来需要的信息。在这个简短的文件中,我们讨论了我们如何扩大我们在社会系统方面的工作范围,如何从实验室转移到生态上更合理的情况,以及长期研究使用社会 VR 的团体。