Diffusion of ICTs provide possibilities for women empowerment by greater participation and enhanced gender-based digital equality. However, a critical analysis reveals that as ICT diffusion widens, there is a persistent threat of widening the gender-based digital divide and exposes women to online sexual abuses, predominantly in developing countries characterized by the gendered nature of the social structure. Instead of accepting ICT as the facilitator to women empowerment, in this paper, we develop a critical research framework for a gender-focused examination of ICT4D studies. Critical research methodology provides the appropriate ontology unveiling social realities through challenging the status quo and exposing the deeper societal inequalities. Using the critical research framework developed, we investigate past ICT4D initiatives and artifacts from literature and draw critical conclusions of its benefits and issues. This study would aid future ICT4D research to investigate areas of gender discrimination and understand the role of ICTs in a critical light.