The Young Physicists Tournament is an established team-oriented scientific competition between high school students from 37 countries on 5 continents. The competition consists of scientific discussions called Fights. Three or four teams participate in each Fight, each of whom presents a problem while rotating the roles of Presenter, Opponent, Reviewer, and Observer among them. The rules of a few countries require that each team announce in advance 3 problems they will present at the national tournament. The task of the organizers is to choose the composition of Fights in such a way that each team presents each of its chosen problems exactly once and within a single Fight no problem is presented more than once. Besides formalizing these feasibility conditions, in this paper we formulate several additional fairness conditions for tournament schedules. We show that the fulfillment of some of them can be ensured by constructing suitable edge colorings in bipartite graphs. To find fair schedules, we propose integer linear programs and test them on real as well as randomly generated data.
翻译:青年物理学家竞赛是来自五大洲37个国家的高中学生之间以团队为主的既定科学竞赛,竞赛由科学讨论组成,称为 " 战斗 " 。每场比赛有三、四个团队参加,每个团队在轮流担任演讲者、对手、评论员和观察员的角色时都存在问题。少数国家的规则要求每个团队提前宣布将在全国锦标赛上出现的三个问题。组织者的任务是选择拳击的构成方式,使每个团队能够准确一次、一次地展示自己选择的问题。除了将这些可行性条件正规化外,我们在本文件中为锦标赛时间表制定若干额外的公平条件。我们表明,可以通过在双面图中建立合适的边色来保证其中一些目标的实现。为了找到公平的时间表,我们提议了整形线性方案,并以真实和随机生成的数据来测试它们。