Johnson--Lindenstrauss Transforms are powerful tools for reducing the dimensionality of data while preserving key characteristics of that data, and they have found use in many fields from machine learning to differential privacy and more. This note explains what they are; it gives an overview of their use and their development since they were introduced in the 1980s; and it provides many references should the reader wish to explore these topics more deeply.
翻译:Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms Transforms是减少数据维度的有力工具,同时保留了这些数据的关键特征,它们在许多领域,从机器学习到不同的隐私和更多的领域都得到了使用。本说明解释了这些数据是什么;它概括了自1980年代引入以来数据的使用和发展情况;它提供了许多参考,如果读者希望更深入地探讨这些专题的话。