This paper describes BigBFT, a multi-leader Byzantine fault tolerance protocol that achieves high throughput and scalable consensus in blockchain systems. BigBFT achieves this by (1) enabling every node to be a leader that can propose and order the blocks in parallel, (2) piggybacking votes within rounds, (3) pipelining blocks across rounds, and (4) using only two communication steps to order blocks in the common case. BigBFT has an amortized communication cost of $O(n)$ over $n$ requests. We evaluate BigBFT's performance both analytically, using back-of-the-envelope load formulas to construct a cost analysis, and also empirically by implementing it in our PaxiBFT framework. Our evaluation compares BigBFT with PBFT, Tendermint, Streamlet, and Hotstuff under various workloads using deployments of 4 to 20 nodes. Our results show that BigBFT outperforms PBFT, Tendermint, Streamlet, and Hotstuff protocols either in terms of latency (by up to $70\%$) or in terms of throughput (by up to $190\%$).
翻译:本文描述了BigBFT(BigBBFT),这是一个多领导人的BighBFT(Byzantine Byzantine)断层容忍协议,它能达到很高的吞吐量和在链链系统中可扩展的共识。BigBFT(BigBFT)通过(1)使每个节点成为能够同时提出和订购区块的领头人,(2)在回合内投递选票,(3)横跨回合的管状区块,(4)只使用两个通信步骤来订购普通区块。BigBFT(BigBFT)的摊销通信成本为O(n)美元以上,一美元以上。我们用“Endermint”, Streamlet(BBFT)和Hotfont(PBBFT)的绩效分析,用“Engermint”公式来构建成本分析成本分析,并在我们的“BiblabBFTFT”框架内执行。我们的评估将BBFT与PFT、Tendermint(t)或“$70美元以下)。