The stock market has been a popular topic of interest in the recent past. The growth in the inflation rate has compelled people to invest in the stock and commodity markets and other areas rather than saving. Further, the ability of Deep Learning models to make predictions on the time series data has been proven time and again. Technical analysis on the stock market with the help of technical indicators has been the most common practice among traders and investors. One more aspect is the sentiment analysis - the emotion of the investors that shows the willingness to invest. A variety of techniques have been used by people around the globe involving basic Machine Learning and Neural Networks. Ranging from the basic linear regression to the advanced neural networks people have experimented with all possible techniques to predict the stock market. It's evident from recent events how news and headlines affect the stock markets and cryptocurrencies. This paper proposes an ensemble of state-of-the-art methods for predicting stock prices. Firstly sentiment analysis of the news and the headlines for the company Apple Inc, listed on the NASDAQ is performed using a version of BERT, which is a pre-trained transformer model by Google for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Afterward, a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) predicts the stock price for Apple Inc using the technical indicators, stock indexes of various countries, some commodities, and historical prices along with the sentiment scores. Comparison is done with baseline models like - Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), vanilla GAN, and Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model.
翻译:股票市场是最近过去人们关注的一个热门话题。通胀率的增长迫使全球人民投资于股票和商品市场以及其它领域,而不是储蓄。此外,深学习模型对时间序列数据作出预测的能力一再得到证明。在技术指标的帮助下,对股票市场的技术分析一直是贸易商和投资者最常见的做法。另一个方面是情绪分析――投资者表现出投资意愿的情感。全球人民使用了各种技术,包括基本的机器学习和神经网络。从基本线性回归到高级神经网络,人们尝试了预测股票市场的所有可能的技术。从最近的事件可以看出,新闻和头条如何影响股票市场和不确定性。本文提出了预测股票价格的最先进方法。 情绪分析――投资者的情绪分析 — 表明投资意愿的情绪分析。 包括基本的机器学习和神经网络网络网络网络。 使用BERT的模型, 预测股票市场货币联盟之前的货币变压指数, 以及各种货币联盟的货币联盟的货币变压指数。(Galian Gal IM ) 和各种货币联盟的货币联盟的货币变压模型, 和货币联盟的货币变压前的货币的货币联盟的货币指数。