Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) (the agnostic term for blockchain) are a potential solution for many pressing issues arising in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain. These issues include facilitating secure transactions between IoT devices and immutably recording data. Most DLT architectures were not designed with IoT in mind and consequentially do not satisfy the requirements of many IoT applications. However, the relatively new class of Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) based DLTs show great promise for IoT networks. These DLTs require the rate at which transactions are issued and disseminated to be explicitly managed in order to ensure fairness among users. We present a congestion control algorithm for these DLTs, which optimises dissemination rate and guarantees that all nodes receive the same information and have fair access even in a dishonest environment, subject to the computing limitations of nodes. Our algorithm takes inspiration from well-known areas of networking research, such as QoS, and TCP. However, an important distinction between the DLT setting and traditional networks is the unique nature of traffic in DLT networks and the fact that nodes cannot trust familiar feedback measurements, such as packet acknowledgements or congestion notifications. Our solution realises a decentralised congestion control algorithm for DLTs without the need for trust among nodes.
翻译:分散式Ledger 技术(DLT)(对链链的不可知的术语)是解决Tings Internet(IoT)领域许多紧迫问题的一个潜在解决办法,其中包括促进IoT设备之间的安全交易和不固定的数据记录。大多数DLT结构的设计没有考虑到IoT, 因而不符合许多IoT应用程序的要求。然而,基于DLT的定向环形图(DAG)相对新的类别对IoT网络显示了巨大的希望。这些DLT要求明确管理交易的发行和传播速度,以确保用户之间的公平性。我们对这些DLT系统设备提出了一种拥堵控制算法,这种算法选择了传播速度,保证所有节点都能在不诚实的环境中获得同样的信息和公平获取。我们的算法从众所周知的网络研究领域(如QoS和TCP)得到启发。然而,DLT设置和传统网络之间的重要区别是:DLT网络的流通性质独特性,以确保用户之间的公平性。我们对这些DLT网络的传播速度进行选择性控制,并保障所有节点都能信任。