This is part II of the follow-up lecture notes of the lectures given by the authors at the Three \CO" (Composability, Comprehensibility, Correctness) Winter School held in Kov{s}ice, Slovakia, in January 2018, and Summer School held in Budapest, Hungary, in June 2019. In this part we explain the recent network evolution and the concept of virtualization, focusing on the management and orchestration of virtualized network resources. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is a new paradigm for changing the way networks are built and operated. Decoupling software implementation from network resources through a virtualization layer introduces a need for developing sets of NFV management and orchestration (MANO) functions. We discuss how this new point of view is highly inspired by the functional programming concepts. We provide examples and exercises on Open Stack virtual technology, and also discuss the challenges and problems inspired by telecommunication industry. Focus is on Reliable operation of Management and Orchestration functions of Virtualized resources. These notes provide an introduction to the subject, with the goal of explaining the necessity for new knowledge and skills in area of network programming. We introduce students with main problems and the network design principles, methods and techniques used for their solution. The worked examples and exercises serve students as the teaching material, from which they can learn how to use functional programming to effectively and efficiently coordinate management and orchestration functions in distributed complex systems using NFV.
翻译:这是作者在2018年1月在斯洛伐克Kov{s}ice举行的“3 CO”(兼容性、可理解性、正确性)冬季学校、2019年6月在匈牙利布达佩斯举行的暑期学校的讲座的后续讲座说明第二部分。我们在此部分解释网络最近的演变和虚拟化概念,重点是虚拟化网络资源的管理和调控。网络功能虚拟化是改变网络建设和运作方式的新范例。通过虚拟化层将软件从网络资源中分离出来,这就需要开发一套NFV管理和交响功能。我们讨论这个新观点如何受到功能性方案编制概念的极大启发。我们介绍关于Open Stack虚拟技术的实例和练习,并讨论由电信业引发的挑战和问题。重点是虚拟化资源的管理与催化功能化功能化功能化功能化功能。这些说明介绍了该主题,目的是解释新知识和技能的必要性,并解释如何在网络设计中使用功能化管理方法和材料管理方法,我们向学生们介绍如何有效地使用功能化方法,学习如何在网络设计中使用功能化方法上运用。我们向学生们学习如何使用功能性方法。我们学习如何在网络中学会如何有效地使用其设计方法。