Image denoising can remove natural noise that widely exists in images captured by multimedia devices due to low-quality imaging sensors, unstable image transmission processes, or low light conditions. Recent works also find that image denoising benefits the high-level vision tasks, e.g., image classification. In this work, we try to challenge this common sense and explore a totally new problem, i.e., whether the image denoising can be given the capability of fooling the state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) while enhancing the image quality. To this end, we initiate the very first attempt to study this problem from the perspective of adversarial attack and propose the adversarial denoise attack. More specifically, our main contributions are three-fold: First, we identify a new task that stealthily embeds attacks inside the image denoising module widely deployed in multimedia devices as an image post-processing operation to simultaneously enhance the visual image quality and fool DNNs. Second, we formulate this new task as a kernel prediction problem for image filtering and propose the adversarial-denoising kernel prediction that can produce adversarial-noiseless kernels for effective denoising and adversarial attacking simultaneously. Third, we implement an adaptive perceptual region localization to identify semantic-related vulnerability regions with which the attack can be more effective while not doing too much harm to the denoising. We name the proposed method as Pasadena (Perceptually Aware and Stealthy Adversarial DENoise Attack) and validate our method on the NeurIPS'17 adversarial competition dataset, CVPR2021-AIC-VI: unrestricted adversarial attacks on ImageNet,etc. The comprehensive evaluation and analysis demonstrate that our method not only realizes denoising but also achieves a significantly higher success rate and transferability over state-of-the-art attacks.
翻译:图像失色可以消除由于低质量成像传感器、不稳定图像传输过程或低光度条件而广泛存在于多媒体设备摄取的图像中的自然噪音。 最近的工作还发现,图像失色有利于高层次的视觉任务,例如图像分类。 在这项工作中,我们试图挑战这一常识,探索一个全新的问题,即:图像失色能否被赋予在提高图像质量和愚弄DNS的同时,欺骗最先进的深层神经网络的能力。为此,我们首次尝试从对抗性攻击的角度来研究这一问题,并提出对抗性断层攻击。 更具体地说,我们的主要贡献是三重:首先,我们确定一个新的任务,即隐蔽地将图像失色模块嵌入在多媒体设备中,作为图像后处理操作同时提高视觉图像质量和愚昧性DNNS。 其次,我们把这个新任务设计成一个图像过滤的内脏度预测问题,但建议从对抗性内核攻击上进行辨离离子攻击的预测,提出对抗性内基内线攻击的预测,可以同时进行激烈的对敌对性方法的变现。