Network function virtualization (NFV) is a promising technology to make 5G networks flexible and agile. NFV decreases operators' OPEX and CAPEX by decoupling the physical hardware from the functions they perform. In NFV, users' service request can be viewed as a service function chain (SFC) consisting of several virtual network functions (VNFs) which are connected through virtual links. Resource allocation in NFV is done through a centralized authority called NFV Orchestrator (NFVO). This centralized authority suffers from some drawbacks such as single point of failure and security. Blockchain (BC) technology is able to address these problems by decentralizing resource allocation. The drawbacks of NFVO in NFV architecture and the exceptional BC characteristics to address these problems motivate us to focus on NFV resource allocation to users' SFCs without the need for an NFVO based on BC technology. To this end, we assume there are two types of users: users who send SFC requests (SFC requesting users) and users who perform mining process (miner users). For SFC requesting users, we formulate NFV resource allocation (NFV-RA) problem as a multi-objective problem to minimize the energy consumption and utilized resource cost, simultaneously.
翻译:网络功能虚拟化(NFV)是使5G网络灵活灵活的有希望的技术。NFV减少操作员的OPEX和CAPEX,办法是将有形硬件与他们所履行的职能脱钩。在NFV中,用户的服务请求可被视为服务功能链(SFC),由通过虚拟链接连接的若干虚拟网络功能组成。NFV的资源分配是通过一个名为NFV Orchestrator(NFVV)的中央机构进行的。这个中央机构存在一些缺陷,例如失败和安全的单一点。BC技术能够通过资源分配的分散来解决这些问题。NFV在NFV架构中的缺陷和BC为解决这些问题的特殊特点促使我们把重点放在NFV资源分配给用户的SFC,而不需要基于BC技术的NFVV。为此,我们假定有两类用户:发送SFC请求的用户(SC请求用户)和从事采矿过程的用户(最小用户)。对于SFFC用户来说,我们把NFV资源配置作为多边消费问题(NFV-V),我们把NFV资源作为最低限度地用于资源配置。