项目名称: 整体叶盘动力学特性及其硬涂层阻尼减振设计方法
项目编号: No.51505060
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 翟敬宇
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 整体叶盘是航空发动机的一种新型结构部件,与传统榫连接轮盘相比,整体叶盘的盘体更薄,盘叶刚度相近,因此盘叶耦合振动问题更为突出。同时无榫结构设计减少了连接与接触摩擦界面,从而大大降低了整体叶盘的振动阻尼,因此当发动机处于恶劣的工作环境下,整体叶盘结构处于高振动水平,甚至发生共振,从而导致高周疲劳失效。因此需要针对整体叶盘的减振发展新的减振技术。本项目针对整体叶盘提出硬涂层阻尼减振技术,构建考虑弹性连接条件和硬涂层非线性特性的整体叶盘动力学模型,研究硬涂层整体叶盘的动力学特性和典型载荷条件下的振动响应;提出整体叶盘的硬涂层阻尼减振设计方法,探讨阻尼减振机理,揭示阻尼参数对整体叶盘振动特性的影响机制。本项目研究成果将为航空发动机整体叶盘的设计和使用提供理论指导,有助于提高我国航空发动机的设计水平及运行稳定性。
中文关键词: 整体叶盘;动力学特性;硬涂层阻尼;减振设计
英文摘要: Blisk is a new-type structure component in aeroengine. Stiffness of blade and disc in blisk are close because of the thinner disc than the traditional disc with tenon, which results in more prominent coupled vibration problem. What’s more, the vibration damping capcity of blisk is relatively low because the structure without tenon eliminates friction interfaces resulting from the connection and contact. So, the blisk suffers from the high level vibration, even severe resonance, when areoengine works in bad environment, which can lead to high-cycle fatigue failure. From the above, novel damping technologies for blisk are necessary. Aiming at the vibration reduction for blisk, this project presents a novel damping strategy by means of hard coating. Dynamic model comsidering the elastic join condition and nonlinear characteristics of hard coating will be constructed. Based the the model, dynamic characteristics and vibration response under typical load conditions of blisk with hard coating will be studied further. Then, damping mechanism and vibration damping design method of blisk with hard coating can be presented, which can reveal the influence mechanism of damping parameters on vibration characteristics of blisk.The results of this project will provide theoretical guidance for the design and application of blisk in aero-engine, and help to improve the design level and running stability of aero-engine.
英文关键词: Blisk;Dynamic characteristics ;Hard coating damping;Vibration reduction design