项目名称: 壳聚糖枝载型食用色素的设计合成及其功能性研究
项目编号: No.31201426
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 食品配料及其他
项目作者: 崔进
作者单位: 天津市产品质量监督检测技术研究院
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 随着食品安全问题日益突出,食用色素对人类健康的影响备受关注,提高食用色素安全性是当今国际面临的急迫课题。目前,国内外常用的食用色素均以偶氮类色素为主体,但偶氮类色素在人体中会通过肝脏还原辅酶的降解和肠道中菌群的还原代谢而产生芳胺类化合物,从而具有致癌性和遗传毒性。本课题基于天然多糖-壳聚糖生物相容性好、安全性高,同时具有抗菌、免疫功能调节、人体不易降解吸收等独特性能,拟选择壳聚糖及其衍生物作为载体,以目前常规使用的食用色素分子作为发色体,通过"载体"和"发色体"的合理分子组装,构建一类既具有发色体染色性质,又保留天然载体安全性能,同时能缓解或阻断偶氮基还原断裂的新型天然载体枝载型使用色素,研究色素分子结构与染色性能、生理性能的关系及其调控规律,筛选色泽饱满无毒的全色谱化合物,为新型绿色食用色素创制提供理论依据和先导化合物。
中文关键词: 偶氮食用色素;壳聚糖;大分子色素;分子组装;
英文摘要: With food safety issues have become increasingly prominent, the safty of edible pigments has been received extensive attention, nowadays how to improve the safety of synthetic edible pigments has become a urgent global problem. Synthetic edible pigments mostly are azo-compounds, which can be degraded and metabolized to aromatic amines by NADH and NADPH in liver or by the gut microflora. The produced aromatic amines cause synthetic edible pigments carcinogenic and genotoxic. Natural polysaccharide-chitosan has good biocompatibility and safety.In addition chitosan is antibacterial, immunomodulatory and unabsorbable. In this project, chitosan was chosen to "carrier "and some synthetic pigments were chosen to "Chromophores". Through molecular assembly, edible pigments were grafted to chitosan to form polymeric pigments, which have both coloring nature and reliable safety. The molecular assembly methods were designed and the target products will be synthesized, characterized and investegated to meet our minds.
英文关键词: azo-compound edible colorants;chitosan;polymer dyes;molecular assembly;