项目名称: 双极型器件的低剂量率辐射损伤机理与加速试验研究
项目编号: No.61204112
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 刘远
作者单位: 工业和信息化部电子第五研究所
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 低剂量率辐射损伤增强效应(ELDRS)是双极型器件与线性电路在空间极端环境下所面临最严重的可靠性问题之一。本项目拟建立一种既反映双极型器件的低剂量率辐射效应、又相对节省机时和费用的高剂量率加速试验方法。 本项目首先拟通过研究双极型器件的低剂量率辐射损伤机理,在考虑氧化层内电子-空穴对各类复合反应的基础上,改良两级氢分子模型,对各种剂量率环境下辐射诱生界面态进行数值仿真并建立相关的解析模型;基于该模型,合理定义双极型器件的ELDRS转换剂量率并建立计算模型。其二,对样品进行前期掺氢处理以提高其转换剂量率;基于转换剂量率模型选择合适的辐射剂量率,由此在高剂量率地面环境下模拟与评估器件在低剂量率空间环境下的辐射损伤效应。最后,基于从器件级到电路级的计算机仿真,对双极线性电路的辐射效应进行数值模拟与敏感性分析,确定其辐射敏感电学参数与敏感模块,为集成电路抗辐射加固设计提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 双极型器件;线性电路;总剂量辐照效应;低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应;
英文摘要: Enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) is one of the most serious reliability problems for bipolar devices and linear circuits which are used in the space radiation environments. This project targets on the accelerated ELDRS test methods using high dose rate, with reflection of low dose rate radiation effect in the bipolar devices. Firstly, based on the failure mechanisms of low dose rate radiation effect in the bipolar devices, by considering various types of electron-hole pair recombination in the oxide, the two stage hydrogen model has been improved. By use of this model, the density of radiation induced interface traps can be simulated by the numerical method, and then an analytical model is proposed and verified by the numerical results. Therefore, an analytical model is then developed for the transition dose rate between the high and low dose rate responses. Secondly, by introducing and controlling molecular hydrogen concentration in test samples, the transition dose rate shifts more to higher dose rates and the low dose rate saturation values increases. Thereby, the low dose rate radiation effect can be modeled and characterized in the higher dose rate accelerated tests. Finally, this project is focus on the numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis on the radiation effects of bipolar linear circu
英文关键词: bipolar device;linear circuit;total ionizing dose radiation effect;enhanced low dose rate sensitivity;