项目名称: 泛在计算环境中社会化驱动的情境感知个性化信息服务研究
项目编号: No.71471165
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 潘旭伟
作者单位: 浙江理工大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 针对现有以少数专家为主导、预先定义的情境感知个性化方法不能满足泛在计算环境中随时随地个性化信息服务过程中海量多样化、动态变化的情境信息定义、提供、管理和利用问题,提出采用社会化驱动方式实现泛在计算环境中情境感知个性化的思路,建立一种以大众用户为主导、动态开放的情境感知个性化方法。在对社会化驱动的情境感知个性化的基本原理、协同机制和过程体系等基本理论研究基础上,构建情境和信息的事物元模型、关联空间模型和复杂超网络模型,提出情境和信息的自分类、自识别和自聚类等动态优化方法以及关联拓展、网络发现与优度评价相结合的情境发现获取方法和集成优化过程的匹配发现与优度评价相结合的信息发现获取方法,并构建系统进行评估应用。本项目研究基于应用需求,为泛在计算环境中情境感知个性化实现提供了新的思路与方法,丰富和完善情境感知个性化理论与方法,促进个性化信息服务、情境感知、可拓学和社会化计算等学科交叉形成自身特色。
中文关键词: 个性化信息服务;情境感知;泛在计算;可拓学;社会化计算
英文摘要: It is required providing personalized information service (PIS) at anytime and anywhere in ubiquitous computing environment (UCE). So massive, diverse and dynamic changing context information should be defined, provided, managed and utilized as context-aware is adopted to achieve PIS in that context-aware has been recognized an effective mean to achieve PIS. But, current most approaches for context-aware personalized information service (CAPIS) are depended on small experts and predefined. So, they cannot deal with the defining, providing, managing and utilizing of massive, diverse and dynamic changing context information in UCE. Therefore, a new idea is proposed which achieving CAPIS in UCE by social driven mode, and an approach for CAPIS is present which is depended on large users and dynamic and open. After theories about principles, collaborative mechanisms and processes for social driven CAPIS are studied, the affair-matter element model, the incidence space model and the complex supernetwork model for context and information resources are built, and the dynamic optimization method based on self-classifying, self-identifying and self-clustering for context and information resources is put forward. Based on these, the context discovery and retrieval method based on combination of incidence expanding, network discovering and optimal evaluating and the information optimizing-integrated discovery and retrieval method based combination of match discovering and optimal evaluating are proposed. Finally, the prototype system is built and the evaluation and application are studied. This study is driven by the requirement from application and gives a new idea and approach to achieving CAPIS in UCE, so it maybe enrich theories of PIS, context-aware, extenics and social computing.
英文关键词: personalized information service;context-aware;ubiquitous computing;extenics;social computing