项目名称: 砂土颗粒微观多尺度特征的动力特性研究
项目编号: No.41202186
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李博
作者单位: 温州大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 砂土作为自然界和工程界分布最广泛的介质之一,其微观特征反映了砂土颗粒经历的的不同起源、搬运及沉积环境。在工程实践中砂土的基本性质主要依据于砂土颗粒级配曲线,往往没有考虑多尺度的颗粒特征对砂土工程性质的影响。本研究拟采集典型微观特征的砂土,通过显微照相技术、干涉显微镜等微观实验,利用统计分析,确定砂土颗粒特征的三个尺度;通过动三轴和共振柱动力实验,研究典型颗粒微观特征的砂土在全应变范围内的动力响应,确定动弹性模量和阻尼比;基于试验结果,确定砂土颗粒特征的三个尺度对对动力行为影响的权重;利用敏感性分析、参数估计和回归理论方法,建立考虑微观特征的砂土的动力特性理论模型;揭示微观尺度的宏观力学特性。本项目研究结果不仅更加准确预测工后砂土地基的动力特性,而且可以加深砂土的动力特性认识,进一步细化砂土的分类标准,为规范修订提供理论依据,为数值分析提供准确的计算参数
中文关键词: 砂土;多尺度特征;动力学特性;颗粒形状;
英文摘要: Granular soils are the most widespread media which exists in natural and man-made world. The microscopic characterizations reflect the origin, transport and deposition environments. In practices, the granular soil and its engineering properties are categorized by the particle size distribution curve without considering the multi-scale of the particle shape. This study plan to investigate relationship between dynamic behavior and microscopic characteristics. Firstly, the granular soils with typical particle shape will be collected; Secondly, the microscopic investigation is conducted to obtained sphericity, roundness and roughness by micro-photograph technique, optical interferometer. Thirdly, Resonant Column Test and Cyclic Triaxial Test are run to obtain the shear modulus, damping ratio and pore pressure accumulation and dissipation curves. Based on the test above, parameter estimation theory, sensitivity analysis, regression theory are used to establish the analytical model incorporated by the three scales of particle shape. Furthermore, The results will fill the gap between the macro-mechanics and micro-mechanics. This study can not only predict the dynamic behavior of granular soils from microscopic view, but also categorized the granular soil more scientifically and completely, which can provide accurate pa
英文关键词: sand;multi-scale characterization;dynamic behavior;particle shape;