项目名称: 一种低损耗混合模等离激元光波导的模式、耦合特性及其集成问题的研究
项目编号: No.61275063
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 孙志军
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 低损耗等离激元光波导对实现高密度集成光路具有一定的潜力和重要意义,但目前仍存在一些问题。基于此,我们对等离激元光波导的设计和在集成光路中的应用提出了一些新的思路。此前,申请者提出并初步研究了一种被认为目前实验上实现最低损耗的混合模等离激元光波导。本项目拟就该类型波导的模式和耦合特性进一步进行深入、全面的理论和实验研究,以便解决我们在其器件设计和应用研究中的所面临的若干基础问题,如波导混合模式的设计、传播模式的保持和修复、传播损耗的减小、波导及其模式间的耦合等。在此基础上,研究基于该波导结构的无源基本波导器件,以及基于其中等离激元波特性、具有增强性能或新功能的特色有源器件。此外,我们将就该类型波导与硅基集成光路中传统光波导之间实现混合集成的有关实际问题进行研究。通过该项目,期望为目前集成光学中若干关键瓶颈问题的解决提供新的思路、理论基础和实践验证。
中文关键词: 光波导;等离激元;波导模式;耦合;
英文摘要: Low-loss plasmonic waveguide is potentially important for realization of high-density integrated photonic circuits, but there are still serious problems. To overcome them, we provide some suggestions on design of the plasmonic waveguides and their applications in integrated photonics. Previously, we proposed and initially studied a type of hybrid plasmon waveguide that was considered to have the lowest loss as experimentally reported. In this proposal, we plan to perform a further and general study on the mode and coupling properties of the waveguide both theoretically and experimentally, so as to facilitate solving some fundamental problems that we met in its device design and applications. These problems includes hybrid mode design, maintaining and restoring of the propagation mode, loss reduction, and coupling between waveguides and modes, etc.. Based on the above study, we plan to further study some basic passive waveguide devices of this type, and some special active devices, based on the properties of plasmons in the waveguide, that have enhanced performance or new functions. Additionally, we plan to study some practical issues on hybrid integration of this waveguide with those conventional ones in silicon-based integrated photonic circuits. We expect this study will provide some new ideas, fundamentals, a
英文关键词: Optical waveguide;Plasmon;Waveguide mode;Coupling;