项目名称: 栅瓣频率相位扫描高增益可重构锥状波束天线阵研究
项目编号: No.61301018
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 齐世山
作者单位: 南京理工大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 锥状波束天线及其阵列在雷达、车载卫星通信、探测制导、无线个人区域网络和新一代WLAN等诸多领域有着广泛的应用。在高增益、频扫、相扫和可重构锥状波束天线阵的实现及其快速优化设计等方面都面临诸多挑战性问题。与现有方案不同,本项申请从利用栅瓣的角度出发研究天线单元为锥状波束的锥状波束阵列天线,解决一定锥角下实现高增益锥状波束的难题;利用栅瓣频扫和相扫的新概念,实现锥状波束可重构性;结合FSS的频率和空间选择性研究多频高增益锥状波束Fabry-Perot(FP)腔天线;将电控元件引入FSS盖板的设计中,研究锥角可电控的FP腔锥状波束天线及其阵列;研究高阶旋转对称矩量法与模式匹配法混合的数值方法,以实现对介质加载复杂结构锥状波束天线的快速分析和优化设计。这些研究内容已在项目申请的预先研究中进行过初步方案论证,其可行性得到了确认。由于研究内容的基础性和通用性,研究成果具有理论意义和工程实用价值。
中文关键词: 锥状波束;双波束;可重构;赋形;宽带
英文摘要: Conical beam antennas and array are widely adopted in radar, vehicle satellite communication, detection and guidance, wireless personal area network and new generation WLAN. There are still many challenging problems in realization and fast analysis of the conical beam antenna array possessing high-gain conical beam, frequency and phase scanning conical beam and reconfigurable conical beam. In this proposal, high-gain conical beam antenna array with specific flare angle can be realized by using the conical beam antenna as the element of the array and taking advantage of grating lobes, which is a novel solution different from current schemes. In order to achieve the reconfigurable performance, a new concept of grating lobe frequency and phase scanning will be employed. Frequency selectivity and spatial selectivity of the FSS cover will be integrated simultaneously to implement multi-frequency high-gain Fabry-Perot (FP) conical beam antenna. Flare angle of the FP conical beam antenna and array will be controlled by using electronic controlled FSS. According to the characteristics of the conical beam antenna, hybrid higher-order body of revolution method of moment (BoRMoM) and mode matching (MM) will be developed to accelerate the analysis and optimization design of the conical beam antenna loaded with superstrates
英文关键词: Conical beam;dual beam;reconfigurable;shaped;wide-band