项目名称: 异构网络中基于联盟共演化博弈的自治化资源管理方法
项目编号: No.61271225
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 魏蛟龙
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 异构网络的接入环境日益复杂而多样化,网络元素间的交互正变得愈加频繁。在未来自治化的网络管理体系下,节点将呈现出频繁的联盟与策略演化行为,以自适应地匹配异构网络的复杂动态资源场景,提升系统或个体性能,满足用户随时随地享受高质量网络服务的需求。本项目以异构网络下的资源管理为研究对象,将节点动态自治行为建模,联盟稳定分配与构型机制设计,策略演化与不完全信息下的学习决策机制等科学问题作为主攻关键,通过对异构网络环境及节点动态联盟与策略演化行为的探讨与分析,建立异构网络的联盟共演化博弈模型(CEGM),并基于此模型,规范和分析理性或有限理性节点在联盟共演化过程中所体现的动态自治行为,探讨其对网络整体性能的影响,提出面向异构网络性能优化的资源管理方法,为建立具有自组织、自优化、自恢复等自治特征的异构网络管理机制提供理论指导与方法支持。
中文关键词: 异构网络;联盟博弈;演化博弈;资源管理;自治通信
英文摘要: Increasing amounts of wireless access technologies, combined with the increasing complex access environments in heterogeneous networks, has spurred more and more interactions among network entities. In order to improve the system and individual performance, as well as satisfying growing consumer demand for access to network services anywhere and anytime, netwrok nodes will take more frequent coalitional and evolutionary behaviors to self-adapt to the complex and dynamic resource scenarios in future autonomic network management system. To this end, our research focus on the resource management in heterogeneous networks. We study the autonomous behavior modeling, coalition stable notions and coalition formation schemes, as well as evolutionary learning strategy under incomplete information. Then we propose a Coalition with Evolution Game Model (CEGM). Based on this model, we analyse the dynamic behaviors of the rational or bounded rational nodes and explore its impact on the network performance. Finally, a resource management framework is proposed to optimize the performance of heterogeneous networks. All these schemes and methods can provide a theoretical and methodological guidance to establish the self-organizing,self-optimizing and self-healing management mechanism in heterogeneous networks.
英文关键词: Heterogeneous networks;coalitional game;evolutionary game;resource management;autonomic communication