项目名称: 微生物诱导锶生物矿化界面调控机制及方法研究
项目编号: No.41272371
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 刘明学
作者单位: 西南科技大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 放射性锶是产额高、半衰期长、毒性强的裂变产物。常规固化方法成本高、工艺复杂。一些微生物和藻对锶具有选择性吸附并进行生物矿化的能力为含锶废物的处理提供了新的思路。同时含锶矿物中锶钙比可作为矿物成因、多种古地质环境的标志,但锶钙类质同象替代生物因素研究不多。本项目以锶和含锶模拟放射性废液为研究对象,通过不同微生物对锶的生物矿化诱导、微生物诱导锶生物矿化的界面调控机制、锶生物矿化的影响因素和人工调节方法与途径、多场耦合条件下锶的矿化行为和环境地质学意义四个方面的研究,探索微生物诱导锶形成稳定矿化体的条件和方法,阐明微生物诱导锶生物矿化中细胞水平的界面调控机制,揭示复杂体系中多场耦合条件下锶的生物矿化行为及其地质学意义。本研究成果可为含锶废物的处理提供经济高效的备选处理方法,为进一步研究生物矿化细胞界面作用机理奠定基础,为地质演化中微生物与矿物的相互作用研究及锶钙地质古环境标志提供一定的参考依据。
中文关键词: 生物矿化;微生物;锶;界面调控;生命效应
英文摘要: Radioactive strontium is a high yield, long half-decay period, strong hazardous desintegration production. The traditional solidification method is a high cost and complicated process. Some microorganism and algae showed selective strontium biosorption and biomineralization capacities, which provides a potential new method for treatment of waste containing strontium. Meanwhile, strontium (Sr)/calcium (Ca) ratio has been widely used as paleoenvironmental geological indicaror for the past environmental history and mineral genesis indicaror. But,factors affecting the Sr/Ca ratios by microorganisms are not concerned. This research will carry out the microorganisms inducing strontium biomineralization, the interfacial regulation mechanism for microorganisms inducing strontium biomineralization, the influential factors and artificial modulation methods for strontium biomineralization as well as strontium biomineralization behavior and environmental, biogeological significance under coupled environmental factors conditions etc. four studies in strontium solution and simulated radioactive wastewater. The results will provide economical and high-performance alternative treatment methods for waste containing strontium, lay foundation for further research of biomineralization cell interfacial action mechanism, supply ref
英文关键词: biomineralization;microorganism;strontium;interfacial regulation;vital effect