项目名称: 金属纳米腔中的受激辐射表面等离激元放大
项目编号: No.11304233
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 张顺平
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 表面等离激元光子学是当今国际范围研究的热门领域之一。利用表面等离激元可以制备一系列的亚波长光学功能器件,在信息传播、化学检测、太阳能电池等领域都有广阔的应用。其中,制作纳米尺度的光源是该领域的一个新兴的热点研究方向,可望在集成光子回路中扮演重要角色。另一方面,许多无源表面等离激元器件都受到表面等离激元的高损耗的制约。从被提出开始,受激辐射表面等离激元放大就一直被认为是突破这个制约和实现纳米光源的主要途径。由于表面等离激元的高局域性,纳米腔附近的光学局域态密度有很大的增强。可以改变分子/量子点等偶极跃迁辐射源往不同通道衰减的跃迁几率。纳米腔的品质越高,跃迁几率的修改越大。在本项目中,我们将研究一维纳米腔中附近的增益材料的受激辐射过程并以此设计纳米激光器。
中文关键词: 表面等离激元;纳米腔;强相互作用;受激辐射;
英文摘要: Plasmonics is one of the hot area in the current scientific community. A great number of subwavelength optical funtionalized elements based on suface plasmons have been fabricated and have been widely used in information transfort, chemical dections, solar cells etc. Among all these devices, fabricating nano light sources is one new hot research topic which is considered to play an important role in integrated circuits. On the other hand, most of the positive surface plasmon-based devices suffer from high losses. After its invention, surface plasmon amplification by simulated emission of radiations (SPASERs) have been considered as the most effective solution for the high losses associated with surface plasmons. Due to their high localization, the optical density of state near a nanocavity is greatly enhanced, which can modify the decay rate of of the excited molecules/quantum dots into different channels. The higher the quality is, the larger the enhancement will be. In this project, we would like to investigate the simulated emission of gain medium near a one-dimension nanocavity and fabricate nanolasers.
英文关键词: surface plasmons;nanocavities;strong coupling;stimulated emission;