项目名称: 氰根桥连4f-nd单分子磁体的合成及磁构关系研究
项目编号: No.21201061
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无机化学
项目作者: 朱文华
作者单位: 湖北大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 低温下单分子单链磁体在单个分子水平上表现出磁双稳态性质,以及热激发慢的磁弛豫和量子隧穿效应,为量子信息高密存储的研究提供了模型体系,并对经典和量子力学现象共存问题的研究具有重要的科学意义。二十多年来,由Mn12开始,含过渡金属的SMMs和SCMs获得了充分发展。而由于稀土离子具有大基态自旋和强单离子各向异性,近几年成为研究的焦点,包括纯4f孤立体系、4f-3d或4f-2p相互作用体系,相互作用体系主要采用单原子O桥传递磁作用,本项目旨在利用氰基过渡金属前驱体与4f离子组装合成目前研究较少的,具有新颖结构的双原子CN桥连4f-nd (n=3,4,5)低维结构,获得具有丰富结构类型的SMMs和SCMs,并探索金属离子的基态自旋、单离子各向异性、晶体场对称性、磁相互作用等因素对低维磁性的影响,实现对氰根桥连4f-nd低维磁性质的精确调控,获得具有较大磁各向异性能垒和慢磁弛豫时间的单分子单链磁体。
中文关键词: 稀土;过渡金属;氰化物;单分子磁体;磁构关系
英文摘要: Single-molecule and single-chain magnets(SMMs and SCMs)have been observed to exhibit magnetic bistability at a single-molecule level, thermal-activiated slow magnetic relaxation and quantum tunneling effect at low temperature, which makes them become the model systems for the investigation of quantum information high-density storage and the promising candidates for the study of the coexistence of classical and quantum mechanical phenomenon. Beginning with such special properties found in Mn12 complex, SMMs and SCMs containing transition metal ions have gone through a rapid growth in the past two decades. Due to the high ground-state spin and large single-ion anisotropy, for the latest several years, lanthanide ions have attracted considerable attention to construct SMMs and SCMs, including pure 4f isolated systems, 4f-3d and 4f-2p magnetically interacting systems. The systems with magnetic interactions have almost been assembled through single-atom-oxygen bridge between the metal ions.The objectives of this proposal are to synthesize the rarely-investigated novel two-atom cyano-bridged 4f-nd (n = 3, 4, 5) low-dimensional structures and to obtain SMMs and SCMs with abundant structural types. The subsequent theme is to explore the effect of the parameters such as the ground-state spin of the metal ions, the singl
英文关键词: lanthanide;transition metal;cyanide;single-molecule magnets;magnetostructural correlation