项目名称: 基于可再生能源的互联网节能路由研究
项目编号: No.61502268
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 杨芫
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 当前,能源问题已经成为一个全球性的问题,而随着互联网的高速发展和规模的急剧膨胀,节能已经成为互联网不可避免的趋势。近年来,通过调整路由来实现网络节能的方法受到了研究人员的广泛关注。然而,现有互联网节能路由方案一个主要的局限在于没有对可再生能源和非可再生能源进行区分,而节能减排的主要目标应该是减少非可再生能源的消耗。本项目研究基于可再生能源的互联网节能路由,从基于可再生能源的网络能耗模型、最小化非可再生能源消耗的路由算法、节能路由健壮性模型与算法这三个方面展开研究,拟采用理论建模分析、算法设计、模拟实验验证和原型系统实验验证等手段,设计和实现在保证网络路由健壮性条件下有效减少非可再生能源消耗的路由模型、算法和协议。本项目的研究成果为互联网节能路由协议的设计和实现提供实际方案和指导依据,具有重要的理论和应用价值。
中文关键词: 互联网路由;节能路由;可再生能源;路由健壮性
英文摘要: Energy conservation has become a global concern nowadays, and has become a inevitable trend of the Internet, which grows rapidly and consumes a large amount of energy. Researchers propose energy-efficient routing approaches to save energy by configuring routing properly. However, existing approaches does not differentiate renewable energy and non-renewable energy, while it is the consumption of non-renewable energy that causes CO2 emission and harms our globe. This project studies the renewable energy-based energy-efficient Internet routing. First, we plan to develop a renewable energy-based network power consumption model, which can be used as a benchmark of how “green” a network is. Second, we plan to solve the problem of minimizing the non-renewable energy consumption by developing proper routing algorithms. Then, we plan to study the robustness of energy-efficient routing, and improve our model and routing algorithm. We plan to validate our approaches by simulations and real experiments based on a prototype system. This project aims at developing energy-efficient routing models, algorithms, and protocols that can effectively reduce the non-renewable energy consumption while guaranteeing certain routing robustness requirements. This study has both theoretical and practical values, and can be applied for the design and development of real-world energy-efficient routing.
英文关键词: Internet routing;energy efficient routing;renewable energy;routing robustness