项目名称: 新型负荷特性对互联电网低频振荡的影响机理研究
项目编号: No.51207046
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电气科学与工程学科
项目作者: 余一平
作者单位: 河海大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 随着现代电网互联规模的不断增大,低频振荡已成为严重威胁电力系统安全稳定运行的突出问题。负荷作为互联电网的主要元件,是低频振荡的重要参与者,其特性对低频振荡具有重要影响。当前电力负荷呈现出许多新的特性,例如电解铝、硅铁等冲击性负荷在部分电网高比例存在,呈现大容量、高密度功率冲击特性,另外含分布式电源的广义负荷呈现功率随机扰动特性。这些新型负荷特性对互联电网低频振荡存在不同机理的重要影响,除传统的负阻尼低频振荡外,强迫功率振荡问题也需要重视。本项目基于实测数据建立大容量、高密度冲击负荷特性和功率随机扰动广义负荷特性模型,深入研究其对互联电网低频振荡的影响机理。振荡伴随着能量的转化和传导,强迫振荡和自由振荡具有不同的能量转化形式,基于能量流方法研究源-网-荷间的振荡能量传导特性,从振荡能量的角度揭示新型负荷特性在振荡中的作用机理。本项目的研究结果有助于认识负荷特性对互联电网低频振荡的影响机理。
中文关键词: 负荷特性;互联电网;低频振荡;振荡能量;振荡监测
英文摘要: With the growth of the power system, its security and stability is exposed to the risk of the low frequency oscillation. As the main components of the interconnected power system, the load and its characteristic plays an important role in the low-frequency oscillation. Now days, the large-capacity and high-density impact properties are appeared in the girds with high proportion of electrolytic aluminum and ferrosilicon. Besides of this, the generalized loads which contain the distributed generation show the characteristics of power random disturbance. In fact, these unordinary loads are proved to have big influences on the low-frequency oscillation with different mechanisms. In addition to the traditional negative damping low frequency oscillation, the forced power oscillation is also need to be pay great attention to. Based on the huge amount of measured data, a large-capacity and high-density impact load characteristics model will be established. Then the mechanism of the influence from these loads will be studied thoroughly. The oscillation is accompanied with the transformation and conduction of energy. There are some significant differences in the mechanisms of energy conversion between the forced oscillation and the free oscillation. The oscillation energy conduction mechanisms among the source, network an
英文关键词: Load Characteristics;Interconnected Power System;Low Frequency Oscillation;Oscillation Energy;Oscillation Monitoring