项目名称: 基于云计算的普适人体传感网关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61300224
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 陈敏
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 我国人口的老龄化不断加剧,医疗服务的需求日益增长,对现有社会医疗服务体系的承载能力提出巨大的挑战。而基于云计算的人体传感网(BSN)技术应用于普适健康服务可以极大地提高医疗保健及健康监护的质量。但是,融合BSN和云计算的高效健康监护系统平台设计还面临许多问题,如MAC协议、资源分配模型、数据挖掘等。本项目以基于健康云(bCloud)的普适BSN关键技术为研究对象,采用模拟仿真和原型平台验证两种手段,研究提高基于bCloud的健康监护系统性能的理论及方法。内容包括:面向BSN的高吞吐率、低耗能、高QoS的MAC层协议;可靠、节能、高效的BSN路由协议;基于bCloud平台,有效感知QoS的新型资源分配模型;BSN数据中提取行为规律性的数据挖掘方法。本项目的实施,可为构建先进的、可扩展的、普适的健康监护系统设计提供理论和技术基础,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
中文关键词: 无线传感网;人体局域网;云计算;移动云计算;人体传感网
英文摘要: In China, aging population is becoming a significant problem, the requirements for medical services are continously increasing, which incurs huge challenges for the capacity of the current social medical service system. In this research proposal, we study cloud-assisted body sensor networks for high efficient healthcare surveillance, which can improve the quality of medical service extensively. However, the design of BSN-Cloud integration (bCloud) platform faces lots of challenging issues, such as energy-efficient MAC protocol design, optimal resource allocation model, and efficient data mining for multi-modal sensory data, et. To overcome these technical challenges, we plan to implement both OPNET network simulation and testbed to investigate the novel solutions for improving the performance of bCloud based healthcare surveillance system. We will conduct the research work on the following aspects: designing MAC protocol with high throughput, low power with high QoS guaranteeing; designing reliable and energy efficient routing protocols for BSNs to support efficient data transmission to cloud platform; designing cost-effective, scalable and energy-efficient cloud resource allocation model for real-time seamless access and processing of monitored BSN data. And finally, we also plan to come up with an efficient d
英文关键词: Wireless Sensor Networks;Body Area Networks;Cloud Computing;Mobile Cloud Computing;Body Sensor Networks