项目名称: 近性能界的宽频超声回波参数估计及其应用
项目编号: No.61201349
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 杨萃
作者单位: 华南理工大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 高精度超声回波参数估计是超声探测仪器的核心技术,对研发具有自主知识产权的高精度超声探测仪具有重要的推动作用。现有的探测主要基于超声声压(即幅度)参数的回波分析算法,存在近场零点效应、易受噪声影响、稳定性和精度不高等不足。本项目从超声声场特性和参数估计理论出发,针对噪声环境下宽带线性调频超声回波信号开展研究,实现低信噪比下性能逼近理论极限界的解线性调频和多频信号频率及幅度估计,能克服近场效应,提高回波分析精度,可应用于高精度、低功耗的超声探测,主要研究内容包括:1基于时频拓展的解宽带超声线性调频算法2调频信号及多频正弦信号参数估计的理论极限界研究3性能逼近理论极限界的超声回波参数估计4在探测中的应用。申请人及项目组成员长期从事声信号处理、参数估计算法及超声探测的研究,完成了一系列高水平论文和超声及探测方面的专利。项目成果可提高低信噪比下回波信号估计精度,可广泛应用于钢轨和工业品探伤及测量中。
中文关键词: 检测估计方法;参量估计;回波参数估计;超声;连续宽频
英文摘要: High precision parameters estimation algorithm of ultrasonic echo signal can drive the study and development of ultrasonic detection devices which have independent property rights, since it is the core technology in ultrasonic detection. The traditional pulse echo technology is based on ultrasonic amplitude detection. According to the characteristics of sound field of ultrasonic signal and the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) parameters estimation theory, ambiguities exist in the nearfield area if amplitude of signal is used for detection. And the stablity and estimation accuracy of frequency outperform those of amplitude. Therefore, wideband linear frequency modulation (LFM) signal and parameters estimation algorithms approaching the theoretical bounds for LFM signal and multi-frequency sinusoidal signal are researched to overcome the near filed effect existed in traditional pulse-echo method and increase the detection precision, and finally low-power detection can be achieved. We will focus on 1) Parameters estimation algorithm for linear frequency modulation signal based on expanded-time-frequency analysis 2) The lower theoretical bound for parameters estimation of LFM signal and multi-component sinusoidal signal 3) Estimation algorithm for echo ultrasonic signal apporaching the CRB. 4) Applications of the proposed hig
英文关键词: detection and estimation techniques;parameters estimation;parameters estimation for echo signal;ultrasonic signal;continous wideband signal