项目名称: BiFeO3外延薄膜受铁电极化调控阻变效应的研究
项目编号: No.11304097
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 钟妮
作者单位: 华东师范大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 由于铁电阻变存储器(FeRRAM)兼备铁电存储器(FeRAM)读写速度快、阻变存储器(RRAM)小电压非破坏性读取等优点,FeRRAM的开发具有重要的物理意义和实际应用价值。本项目以基于BiFeO3(BFO)薄膜的铁电阻变存储器为研究对象,针对铁电阻变存储器开关比不高、阻变效应中铁电极化表征难度大等问题,拟制备铁电极化调控阻变效应的原型器件。通过研究电极材料的功函数、电负性,BFO薄膜的晶相、组分、电阻率等,分析缺陷和极化调控的阻变效应的共存性,探索制备具有铁电阻变效应FeRRAM的关键条件。结合测试铁电极化相关性能(如压电性、热释电性和铁电畴反转特性等)解决阻变效应中铁电极化表征困难的问题。深入理解极化反转对铁电阻变效应的影响,阐释极化调控铁电阻变的物理机制,为开发高稳定的FeRRAM提供理论和实验依据。
中文关键词: BiFeO3薄膜;阻变效应;铁电极化;缺陷;外延生长
英文摘要: Due to the advantages of high-density, fast write and read access, low energy operation, ferroelectric resistive random access memory (FeRRAM) has been regarded as one of the potential candidates for the next generation nonvolatile random access memory. However, FeRRAM are facing low On/Off ratio and the difficulty of characterizing ferroelectric polarization during resistance switching. To solve the problems, this project will focus on the design and fabrication of electrode/BiFeO3(BFO)/electrode devices which exhibit resistance switch dominated by ferroelectric polarization. Both defect-related and polarization-controlled resistance switch are expected to be observed in electrode/ BiFeO3(BFO)/electrode devices. To explore the key factors for preparing the devices, which exhibit intrinsic ferroelectric resistance switch, the effect of the electrode (work function and electro negativity etc.), the preparation of BFO thin film (phase and component etc.) and the electric characteristics of BFO thin film (resistivity etc.) on the resistance switch will be investigated. To understand the physical mechanism of ferroelectric resistance switch, piezoelectric and pyroelectric etc. properties of BFO thin film are investigated. This research will shed some new light on the development of high-performance FeRRAM.
英文关键词: BiFeO3 thin film;resistance switching;ferroelectric polarization;defect;epitaxial growth