项目名称: 镉诱导细胞壁果胶合成及去甲酯化机制的研究
项目编号: No.31201150
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 熊杰
作者单位: 中国水稻研究所
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 最新研究表明:植物细胞壁果胶含量及其甲酯化程度与植物重金属抗性和植物有氧甲烷释放密切相关。镉(Cd)是最有代表性的重金属污染物,Cd胁迫诱导植物产生的活性氧自由基(ROS)近年来被认为是植物逆境生理学中的重要信号分子。本项目拟开展Cd诱导细胞壁果胶合成及去甲酯化的研究,分析Cd胁迫对细胞壁果胶和甲酯化程度的影响作用和机理,重点关注Cd诱导产生的ROS信号分子在调控果胶合成和去甲酯化过程中的作用机制,最终验证ROS作为信号分子在非生物逆境下调节细胞壁果胶合成及去甲酯化的功能。该研究能够明确Cd胁迫对细胞壁果胶含量及甲酯化程度的影响作用及机理,揭示ROS在果胶合成和去甲酯化过程中的信号调控作用。该研究还与当前社会迫切需要解决的两大重要环境问题(重金属污染和温室气体排放)密切相关,因此不仅具有较好的学术前沿性和创新性,还具有重要现实意义和社会价值。
中文关键词: 果胶;镉;重金属;过氧化氢;果胶甲酯酶
英文摘要: Recent studies show that cell wall pectin content and methylesterification degree are closed related with plant heavy metal tolerance and aerobic mehane emission. Cadmium (Cd) is the most presentive heavy metal pollutant, and it induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) is seemed as significant signaling molecule in plant stress physiology recently. This project will investigate Cd-induced pectin synthesis and demethylesterification in cell wall, analyze the effects and mechanisms of Cd stress on pectin synthesis and demethylesterification, especially focus on the roles of ROS in processes, and determine the signaling roles of ROS in regulating pectin synthesis and demethylestification under abiotic stresses. These studies will not only clarify the effects and mechanisms of Cd-induced pectin synthesis and demethylesterification in cell wall, but also discover the signaling roles of ROS in regulating pectin synthesis and demethylesterification. The project is also clsoed with two crucial environment problems (heavy metal pollution and vegetation methane emission) at present. So, this proposal is quite original and creative in academical level as well as sigficant societal value.
英文关键词: pectin;cadmium;heavy metal;hydrogen peroxide;pectin methyleserase