项目名称: 溴系阻燃剂的母婴暴露评估及母体孕期/哺乳期暴露对子代神经发育的影响
项目编号: No.21477083
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 施致雄
作者单位: 首都医科大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 溴系阻燃剂(BFRs)是具有神经发育毒性的持久性有机污染物。本课题组前期研究发现经膳食摄入占人群BFRs摄入的95%以上,且婴儿的外暴露水平是成人的7至10倍。但目前母婴等易感人群的BFRs暴露状况及健康风险尚未明确。本课题拟通过双份饭法精确测定孕产妇经膳食的BFRs外暴露水平,并通过测定配对的母亲静脉血、脐带血和哺乳期不同阶段母乳中BFRs含量,明确孕产妇孕期/哺乳期BFRs内暴露水平、孕期胎儿宫内BFRs暴露水平及婴儿在哺乳期经母乳的BFRs外暴露水平,以此评估孕产妇及婴儿在孕期/哺乳期的BFRs内外暴露水平及健康风险;在此基础上应用小鼠染毒模型模拟婴儿在孕期/哺乳期的BFRs暴露模式,对母鼠进行孕期至哺乳期全程染毒后,通过对仔鼠的神经行为测试、神经递质分析和脑匀浆液、血清的代谢组学分析,评估母体孕期/哺乳期BFRs暴露对子代神经发育的影响。本课题将为BFRs暴露健康风险评价提供依据。
中文关键词: 溴系阻燃剂;暴露评估;母婴暴露;神经发育;代谢组学
英文摘要: Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) are persistent organic pollutants which were found to be neurotoxic. In our former study we found that the 95% intake of BFRs was from food intake, and the exposure level of nursing infant was much higher than that of the adult (7 to 10 fold). However, the exposure characteristic of BFRs and health effect of BFRs for mother/infant were still unknown. In this project, dietary exposure of pregnant/delivery woman to BFRs will be assessed by a duplicate diet study. Based on cohort study, BFRs will be detected in paired cord blood, maternal blood, and breast milk samples. And the internal exposure level of BFRs for the pregnant/delivery woman, the exposure level of BFRs for the fetus and the estimated daily intake via human milk for infants, could be calculated. On the basis of all these results, the body burden, exposure estimation and health effect of BFRs for pregnant/delivery woman and infant would be evaluated. In addition, in order to evaluate the toxic effect of pregnant/lactational exposure to BFRs on the neurodevelopment of offspring, a experimental animal model will be developed to simulate the exposure mode of maternal BFRs exposure. In the study, the female mice got BFRs by intragastric administration immediately after pregnancy, and BFRs will be administered to the mice from pregnancy to ablactation, and the mice offspring gets the BFRs by cord blood in pregnancy and by breast feeding in lactation. The neurodevelopment of mice offspring will be evaluated by neurobehavioral test, neurotransmitter analysis and metabonomics. The result of this project will benefit the pollution abatement of BFRs.
英文关键词: Brominated Flame Retardants;Exposure assessment;Mother-infant exposure;Neurodevelopment;Metabonomics