项目名称: EAST 托卡马克上ELM细丝结构的动力学过程研究
项目编号: No.11275047
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 钟方川
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: H-mode运行过程中存在的边界局域模(ELM)将会导致等离子体边界约束能量的间隙性爆发,形成的热流可能造成装置第一壁材料的损伤。因此研究ELM产生机理及影响因素,控制和避免ELM的出现是先进运行托卡马克实验和理论研究中的重要问题。研究表明type-I 型ELM是危险性最大的局域模不稳定性,其具有螺旋细丝结构。对type-I ELM细丝结构及其发展过程的研究将有助于对ELM机理的认识。因此本项目将依托EAST托卡马克装置,开展长脉冲稳态装置上ELM细丝的动力学过程研究。利用高速CCD诊断、Langmuir探针、磁探针对EAST装置H-mode放电过程中type-I ELM的细丝结构的发生、发展进行测量研究。对细丝的空间模数、尺寸大小、电子温度、电子密度及运动速度的时空演化过程进行测量,并研究对其影响的关键参数和机理,加深对ELM物理机理认识,为将来的ITER装置提供支持。
中文关键词: EAST;H-mode;ELM;细丝;动力学过程
英文摘要: The intermittent enery and particles ejected from the core plamsas during edge-localized modes(ELM) in H-mode stage may cause damage to the first wall materials. It is a key problem to study the generation mechanism of ELM and the influential factors of ELM growing dynamics and explore the effective way to avoid or control the ELM in theoretical and experimental studies in advance tokamak research. It is indicated that the type-I ELM is the most dangerous ELM which has filamentary structure. The study of structure and growing dynamics of ELM filaments will enhance the understanding of the ELM mechanism. The proposal project will conduct the investigation of ELM filament dynamics in long duraton qusi-steady plasma in EAST tokamak.The process of type-I filament generation and growing will be measured and analyzed by high-speed CCD, Langmuir probes and magnetic probes.The time and space evolution of dimension size, electron density and temperature and move speed of filaments will be studied. The key parameters effect on the ELM filamentary structure will be explored. The study may provide useful database for ITER.
英文关键词: EAST;H-mode;ELM;filaments;dynamics