项目名称: 基于缺陷捕获和气体释放的新型抗辐照含纳米孔道材料的制备与性能研究
项目编号: No.11475129
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 任峰
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 98万元
中文摘要: 等离子体与面向等离子体壁材料之间的相互作用控制是当前核聚变研究面临的一项巨大技术挑战。本项目针对W块材受高剂量等离子体辐照后表面出现气泡、剥落和形成纳米丝等现象,提出了一种基于纳米孔道自由表面有效缺陷捕获和气体原子释放的抗辐照新策略,制备含纳米孔道W新型面向等离子体抗辐照材料,它能有效抑制W材料中气泡的产生和生长,大大提高面向表面等离子材料的抗辐照稳定性和寿命。通过系统研究等离子体与含纳米孔道W的相互作用过程,分析纳米孔道自由表面吸引、吸收和湮灭缺陷的过程和自由表面演化动力学,明确影响其抗辐照性能的关键因素,揭示该材料在极端条件下抗辐照内在机理。本项目研究将为未来聚变堆提供材料优选方案和技术储备,也为裂变堆抗辐照肿胀材料的研究提供了新的解决思路,将直接服务于我国聚变核能利用计划。
中文关键词: 抗辐照新型材料;离子束辐照;离子注入;纳米孔道
英文摘要: Understanding plasma-surface interactions (PSI) in magnetically confined fusion device is critical in harvesting potential fusion energy. Plasma facing material is subject to unprecedented high thermal heat load, high particle fluxes and neutron damage. W is identified as one of a few materials that may survive harsh plasma conditions. However, recent findings that shows blistering, whisker formation, and even exfoliation on W surface upon fusion plasma bombardment have raised some concerns in this made the fusion community concerned effectiveness damped. In this proposal, facing to the problems appearing in the facing plasma material of W bulk, we propose a new strategy, for the first time, to greatly increase the radiation tolerance by releasing the defects out of the materials instead of absorption and storage of them. The new facing plasma material, nanochannel W films, will be prepared by magnetic sputtering deposition. Such nanochannel W films can suppress the production and growth of bubbles, and greatly increase their stability and lifetime under harsh environment. In this project, we will study the interaction process of plasma and nanochannel W films, systematically analysis the process of absorption of defects and gas atoms by the nanochannels, figure out the key factors which affect the radiation resistant ability, and find out the mechanisms for the radiation tolerance of the new nanochannel W materials. The results of this research offer a candidate facing plasma material for fusion reactor and also provide a new way to prepare swelling resistant materials.
英文关键词: Radiation tolerant materials;Ion irradiation;Ion implantation;Nanochannels