项目名称: 同步辐射表征技术用于中温煤气干法脱汞机理的研究
项目编号: No.21276170
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 王建成
作者单位: 太原理工大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 煤气化作为目前煤转化效率最高的洁净煤技术之一,将在未来的二十年被大力推广。但是煤气中的污染物(Hg、H2S、HCl等),在利用前必须脱除。课题以同步辐射X射线吸收谱( XAS)和超高分辨光电子能谱(XPS)为主要表征手段,重点揭示H2S等气氛对Pd基吸附剂脱汞的影响,有针对性的对Pd基吸附剂进行改性,设计和构建抗硫或同时脱硫的煤气中温脱汞吸附催化体系,明晰脱汞机理,发展煤气脱汞技术。工作结合课题组近期研究结果和文献资料,通过浸渍或共沉淀等方法将具有较好的吸附H2S能力的过渡金属Me(Me=Fe,Mo,Cu或Zn等)分散到Pd基吸附剂上形成双金属或合金吸附剂。通过对脱汞前后吸附剂的XAS和XPS表征分析,结合其它表征结果,建立H2S-Hg和Pd-Me的反应网络,阐明汞的脱除路径。通过本课题研究,希望解决煤气脱汞在理论研究上的一些分歧,为中温煤气净化技术的后续工业开发提供有力的理论依据。
中文关键词: 煤气;脱汞;钯基吸附剂;过渡金属;同步辐射
英文摘要: Coal gasification is one of the most efficient clean coal technologies and will be widely used in the next twenty years. However, pollutants, such as mercury, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride, etc., must be removed from the coal-based gases before further utilization. In this project, synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) and high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) will be used as the key characterization methods to reveal how H2S affects the capture mercury over Pd-based sorbents. On this base, Pd-based sorbent will be modified and designed to get the high-efficient adsorption catalytic system with anti-H2S poison or highly efficient capturing H2S at the medium-temperature range 200-300 C, which can maintain the high thermal efficiency of the systems. Understanding the mechanism of the removal mercury and the development of the technology for capturing mercury at the medium-temperature range are our main aims. Transition metal Me (Me=Fe, Mo, Cu or Zn, which has good H2S adsorption ability) is selected and added into Pd-based sorbent using the impregnation or precipitation methods to produce the bi-metal or the alloy sorbents. Combination with preliminary characterization and analysis results, the nature of the interaction between the metals, the metal with S and Hg can be determined by
英文关键词: Coal-based gas;Removal Hg;Pd-based sorbent;Transition metal;Synchrotron radiation