项目名称: 利用毫秒脉冲星测时探测宇宙残余引力波和研究基于脉冲星的时间尺度
项目编号: No.U1231120
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 游霄鹏
作者单位: 西南大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 毫秒脉冲星是宇宙中非常精确且稳定的天然时钟,测时精度可以达到100纳秒量级。如此精准的毫秒脉冲星测时有着广泛的应用。本项目研究其中两个重要应用。第一,对天空中的多颗脉冲星(毫秒脉冲星阵)进行长期测时,原理上可以直接探测到超低频引力波。超大质量双黑洞及宇宙暴涨时期产生的残余引力波是其中主要的两种引力波源。本项目着眼于毫秒脉冲星测时阵在探测宇宙残余引力波中的应用。我们首先研究残余引力波的各种理论模型,并且利用的毫秒脉冲星测时阵的观测数据,给出对残余引力波模型的限制,讨论是否能探测到残余引力波,进而给出对宇宙暴涨模型的限制。第二,精准的毫秒脉冲星是否能作为不依赖于原子钟的时间尺度是个非常重要的研究课题。本项目将利用毫秒脉冲星的测时数据首先研究脉冲星时间尺度的长期稳定性问题,然后提出研究方法探寻毫秒脉冲星作为独立的时间尺度的可能性,进而讨论基于脉冲星的时间尺度的限制及其应用。
中文关键词: 脉冲星;引力波;宇宙爆涨;时间尺度;
英文摘要: Millisecond pulsars are very accurate ''clocks'' in the universe. The precision of millisecond pulsar timng can be as high as 100 nanosecond. There are many applications for millisecond pulsar timing. Two main applications will be studied for this project. First, in principle, the technique known as using pulsar timing can be used to directly detect gravitational waves. Supermassive binary blackholes and relic gravitional waves are main sources of gravitational wave. We care about how to detect cosmic relic gravitational waves by millisecond pulsar timing array. We first research every theory models of relic gravitational waves. Then using the pulsar timing data, we can give the uplimit of the strength of relic gravitatioanal waves, discuss whether we can direct detect gravitational waves and give the restrict of many inflation models. Second, whether millisecond pulsars can be a time scale independent from atom clock is a very important research topic. At beginning, we will use millisecond pulsar timing data to research the long term stabilities of pulsar time scale. Then we will find a method to research the feasibility of independent pulsar-based time scale, and discuss the limit and applications of the pulsar-based time scale.
英文关键词: pulsar;gravitational wave;inflation;time scale;