项目名称: 空间回转-冲击往复密珠轴系运动耦合效应及摩擦行为研究
项目编号: No.51475452
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 孙京
作者单位: 中国空间技术研究院
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 空间探测钻取采样过程中钻进系统工作在回转与冲击往复的复合运动模式下,同时要求适应大温差及钻进对象认知缺乏条件下的变力载工况。与传统密珠轴承的过盈高刚性特征本质不同,空间回转-冲击往复密珠轴系为保证灵活性与可靠性工作在动态间隙和时变接触刚度条件下,尚无相关研究体系。项目将建立空间密珠轴系内部动态间隙、偏载接触模式、热交互、接触刚度与复合运动和冲击输出的关联作用模型;动态求解密珠轴系内部接触界面应力与运动参数;结合密珠轴系接触界面和冲击限位界面行为特征,利用真空实验平台研究滑滚接触和冲击-滑动摩擦条件下溅射二硫化钼与等离子体气相沉积类金刚石碳固体薄膜的摩擦学行为与失效机理、探索空间密珠轴系复合运动下的力热耦合与润滑机制;最终形成具备高效率与高可靠输出的空间回转-冲击往复复合运动密珠轴系的设计体系,并结合探月三期月面钻取采样装置的钻进子系统完成试验验证。
中文关键词: 密珠轴承;钻进系统;冲击往复;摩擦行为;空间环境
英文摘要: Rotary drilling system of space exploration drill sampling process work in impact and reciprocating conditions, which will be used to a large temperature difference and variable load.Spatial rotation and impact reciprocating close-packed ball bearing system with flexibility and reliability in dynamic gap and time-varying contact stiffness condition, which is different the traditional close-packed ball bearings with high rigidity and no relevant research system. First, this project will build dynamic spatial close-packed ball bearing syetem model considering the inside dynamic gap, partial load contact, thermal interaction, the contact stiffness, reciprocating motion and impact output. The inside contact stress and motion parameters of spatial close-packed ball bearing system will be solved. Secondly, tribological behavior and failure mechanisms of diamond-like carbon and solid films with molybdenum disulfide and plasma sputtering vapor deposition were researched in the impact of sliding contact and rolling - sliding friction condition with vacuum experimental platform. Meanwhile, the power of thermal coupling and lubrication mechanisms of spatial close-packed ball bearings were explored in composite bead movement. At last, the design system will be built of the high efficiency and high reliability spatial rotation and impact reciprocating close-packed ball bearing and verified with drilling subsystem of the third lunar surface drilling sampling device.
英文关键词: close-packed ball bearings;drilling system;impact reciprocating;tribological behavior;space environment