项目名称: 缺陷对纳米碳管量子效率的影响
项目编号: No.11304378
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 于桂丽
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 短短二十几年的时间,纳米碳管凭借其独特的电学、力学、光学和化学等特性,逐渐成为凝聚态物理和材料学科的热点课题。系统地理解其物理特性有助于在纳米技术和半导体器件中应用。本项目以探索含缺陷纳米碳管中的量子效率为目标,主要在紧束缚近似下,系统开展含缺陷纳米碳管中的激发能、光学吸收以及与之相关的量子效率的研究。通过改变纳米碳管中缺陷的位置、浓度和缺陷的类型,研究纳米碳管中激子激发能、光学吸收谱随缺陷位置、浓度和类型的变化情况;探讨缺陷纳米碳管中暗激子被亮化、缺陷局域态成为发光中心的可能性;为实验上测定纳米碳管中低量子效率提供理论依据。尝试通过改变纳米碳管中缺陷的位置、浓度或类型来实现增强纳米碳管中量子效率的可行性,从而为实验上提高纳米碳管的光致发光谱中量子效率提供理论指导
中文关键词: 缺陷;激子效应;量子效率;纳米碳管;
英文摘要: Owing to their extraordinary electronic, mechanical, optical and chemical, et al. properties, carbon nanotubes have gradually become one of the hottest areas in the condensed matter physics and material science during the past more than twenty years . Systemically understanding the physical properties of the carbon nanotubes is contributed to the application in the nano-technology and semiconducting devices. In this project, to explore the quantum efficiency in defect carbon nanotube, we will carry out the research on the excitation energy, optical absorption and related quantum efficiency within the tight-binding approximation. By altering the position, density and type of defect in carbon nanotubes, we study the changes of the excitation energies and optical absorption spectra, discussing the possibiliy of linghtening the dark excitons and becoming the centre of flash by the induced defect. Therefore, we can offer the theoretical evidence for the low quantum efficiency in carbon nanotubes. In addition, we hope to confirm the possibility of enhancing the quantum efficiency by changing the position, density and type of defect, which can offer a direction of enhancing the quantum efficiency for photoluminescence in single wall carbon nanotubes.
英文关键词: defect;exciton effect;quantum efficiency;carbon nanotube;