项目名称: ZnO/NiO异质结纳米阵列的构筑及其紫外探测性能研究
项目编号: No.11204246
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 赵建伟
作者单位: 西南大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 紫外探测和紫外成像是近年来光电探测领域新兴的研究热点,具有极高的军事和民用价值。本项目旨在发展适用于紫外探测和紫外成像的新型多功能材料- - ZnO/NiO异质结纳米阵列,以期获得更高的灵敏度和分辨率;具体研究内容如下:首先采用模板电沉积与热氧化处理相结合的方法,在石英/ITO基体表面构筑有序直立排列的ZnO/NiO异质结纳米阵列,着重实现对材料尺寸和结构的控制合成,阐明沉积生长规律和形成机制;进而详细研究纳米异质结中微结构的组成与形态,探寻控制异质结界面缺陷的有效方法;在此基础上,深入分析纳米阵列的紫外光电性能及其与材料尺寸和界面结构的关联,结合对材料电输运特性和能带结构的研究结果,揭示ZnO/NiO异质结纳米阵列紫外响应的微观机理,促进基于异质纳米结构的高性能紫外探测和紫外成像器件的研发与应用。
中文关键词: 氧化锌;异质结;纳米阵列;控制合成;光电性能
英文摘要: In recent years, the ultraviolet (UV) detecting and imaging technology has become a new hot spot of photodetection research due to their important civil-military dual-use values. The aim of this research project is to design and synthesize a novel multifunctional material of ZnO/NiO heterojunction nanoarrays used for highly sensitive UV detection and high-resolution UV imaging. The main research is as follows: The ordered ZnO/NiO heterojuntion nanoarrays will be synthesized firstly on quartz/ITO substrate via electrochemical deposition and heat treatment method with the assistant of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template. The dimension and structure of the nanoarrays will be controlled in the growth process. The growth characteristic and formation mechanism of ZnO/NiO nanoarrays will also be explored. The interface defects of heterostructures and the relation to experimental parameters will be further analyzed and explored. An effective method will be found to control the structure defects in the heterostructures. Then, the UV photoelectric properties of nanoarrays and the relation to the dimension of nanostructures or the interface state will be analyzed deeply. Based on the current transport properties and the energy band structure of ZnO/NiO heterojunction nanoarrays, the photoresponse mechanism will be also di
英文关键词: ZnO;Heterojunction;Nanoarrays;Controlled synthesis;Photoelectric properties