项目名称: 应对事件提升网络可生存性的资源优化与重构方法研究
项目编号: No.61303092
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 李黎
作者单位: 陕西师范大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 突发公共事件的快速反应和应急处置对经济发展和社会稳定至关重要。针对异构网络系统中普遍存在冗余资源和空闲资源未被充分利用、无法实现应急情况下响应重构的问题,本项目以应对事件提升现有网络系统可生存性为目标,研究分层网络系统资源优化与重构的策略和算法。具体来看,在网络拓扑层,提出节点保护圈和可重构节点概念,研究同构网内有限添加边资源和异构网间空闲无线资源优化配置的策略和算法,实现最优网络拓扑重构;在资源管理层,基于未知的拓扑结构和节点可用性,建立大跨度资源分布模型,提出面向应急响应的资源重构算法,以保证网络整体资源的最优化配置;其中,网络拓扑重构是应急大跨度资源重构的前提和保障。在应用服务层,以火灾事件为例研究智能建筑中异构网络资源的优化配置,解决智能建筑中由于网络结构脆弱所导致的诸多安全隐患。本项目研究对于改进网络系统设计、实现网络资源合理配置、提升网络系统生存能力具有重要理论指导和现实意义。
中文关键词: 应急响应;异构网络;拓扑重构;网络容量;漫游协议
英文摘要: Research on emergency response is very important for national economic development and social stability in modern society. The survivability of network systems is expected to be sufficiently robust against unpredictable breakdown in order to function constantly. There are many redundancy and free resources in network systems which were not used sufficiently and so cannot be reconfigured effectively under emergency. Confronting this situation, this project researched the strategies of network resources optimization and reconfiguring according to the hierarchical network architecture, in order to enhance the survivability of an existing network system under emergency. The main contents of this project are as follows: In the topology layer, during the study of survivability enhancement of existing network structures, how to ensure the optimal reconfiguring of limited network resources achieved and in times has been an urgent problem which needs to be solved. The concepts of the node-protecting cycles (np-cycles) and the reconfigurable node are developed to research the strategies and algorithms of adding limited link resources in homogeneous networks and adding minimum wireless communication resources in heterogeneous networks are proposed, which will ensure that the resulting networks are the most robust and effic
英文关键词: Emergency response;heterogeneous network;network topology reconfiguration;traffic capacity;roaming protocol