项目名称: SDN使能的无线Mesh网络拓扑重构与智能管控机制研究
项目编号: No.61501105
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 彭玉怀
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 传统无线Mesh网络由不同厂家结构功能复杂的路由器组成,使用封闭专有的内部接口,运行着大量分布式协议,因此设备商不能及时创新以满足用户需求,运营商难以根据需要定制优化网络,研发人员难以验证新想法。网络管控需要大量复杂的人工配置,运维成本较高。SDN使能的无线Mesh网络将SDN技术应用到无线Mesh网络中,通过分离网络的控制逻辑和数据转发,由软件驱动的控制逻辑实现网络自动控制与更新,来提高网络性能并缩短网络创新周期。拓扑重构与智能管控作为组网核心决定着整个网络是否可用,对转发性能更是起着决定作用。本项目瞄准下一代网络技术前沿,围绕SDN使能的无线Mesh网络涉及的资源监控与逻辑映射、拓扑重构与优化、协同趋稳与智能管控等关键问题进行研究。开展这项课题有利于探索SDN使能的无线Mesh网络拓扑重构与智能管控机制,研究有效的方法解决灵活组网、智能管控、网络优化等问题,为实现实际网络部署打下基础。
中文关键词: 软件定义网络;无线Mesh网络;可靠性;拓扑重构;网络管控
英文摘要: Traditional Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are comprised of mesh routers with complicated structure and function, which employ closed and proprietary internal interface, and run a large number of distributed protocols. Therefore, equipment manufacturers cannot timely innovate to meet customers’ needs, operators cannot customize and optimize networks as required, and research fellows cannot validate their new ideas. Network management requires a lot of complex manual configuration, takes high operation and maintenance cost. Software Defined Networking (SDN) enabled WMNs will apply SDN technology into WMNs. By separating network control logic from data forwarding, automatic control and update functions would be achieved by software-driven control logic, which improves network performance and shortens the cycle of network innovation. As the core of networking, topology reconstruction and intelligent control will decide both the availability of entire network and the forwarding performance of data plane. This project focuses on academic frontiers in next generation network technology, and studies the core problems such as network resource monitoring and logical mapping, topology reconstruction and optimization, collective stabilization and intelligent control in SDN enabled WMNs. Carrying out this study can help to further explore key technologies of topology reconstruction and intelligent control in SDN enabled WMNs, and study the effective method to solve problems such as flexible networking, intelligent control, network optimization and so on, which lays foundation for the actual network deployment in SDN enabled WMNs.
英文关键词: Software Defined Networking(SDN) ;Wireless Mesh Networks;reliability;topology reconstruction;network management