项目名称: 基于并三噻吩的高迁移率有机半导体研究
项目编号: No.51273055
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 史建武
作者单位: 河南大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 有机场效应晶体管在低成本、可大面积加工的柔性电子产品中具有潜在的应用前景,但迁移率较低一直是制约其发展的瓶颈。同无机半导体相比,有机半导体分子是通过弱的分子间作用力结合在一起的,因此增强分子间作用力可能是提高有机半导体迁移率的一个有效的途径。在并三噻吩衍生物中存在多种分子间作用力,并且并三噻吩有六种同分异构体,其中硫原子同在一侧和不同侧的两种同分异构体的衍生物都表现出较高的迁移率。本项目旨在研究并三噻吩体系中剩余的四种同分异构体衍生物的场效应性能,主要考察硫原子在不同位置时:1)对分子间作用力和分子堆积方式的影响规律;2)对材料薄膜生长习性的影响,3)对材料能级的影响;4)对材料的场效应迁移率和稳定性的影响,希望该项目的实施能够揭示材料的化学结构与其分子间作用力和器件的迁移率和稳定性之间的内在联系和规律,为探寻高迁移率有机半导体材料提供理论依据和应用素材。
中文关键词: 并三噻吩;有机半导体;高迁移率;有机场效应晶体管;分子间作用力
英文摘要: Organic field-effect transistors have potential application in low-cost and large-area flexible electronics, but the low mobility is a key factor of limiting their improvements. Compared to inorganic semiconductors, organic semiconductors are coalesced with weak intermolecular interactions. So it may be an effective way to improve the mobility of organic semiconductors by strengthening the intermolecular interactions. In the derivatives of dithienothiophenes, there exist several kinds of intermolecular interactions. Furthermore, dithienothiophene has six isomerides. The reported derivatives of two isomers of dithienothiophenes, dithieno[2,3-b:3',2'-d]thiophene and dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]thiophene have presented high field effect mobility. In this project, we fouce on the properties of organic filed-effect transistors based on the other four isomerides of dithienothiophenes. The project is separated into four aspects to investigate the effect of S atoms position on: 1) the intermolecular interaction and the molecular arrangement; 2) the habits of films growth; 3) the energy levels; 4) the field effect mobility and devices stability. We wish this project can benefit for revealing the relationships between the material structures and the intermolecular interaction, and the field effect mobility and stability of the
英文关键词: dithienothiophene;organic semiconductors;high mobility;organic field effect transistors;intermolecular interactions