项目名称: 植物激素脱落酸生物光学传感研究与快速检测新方法
项目编号: No.U1304305
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 朱娟花
作者单位: 河南农业大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 针对解决植物激素快速检测、建立具有自主知识产权的高特异性、高灵敏度植物激素检测新方法要求,提出研究植物激素光学表面等离子共振光学特性、植物激素生物光学传感器、植物激素脱落酸生物光学芯片,植物激素脱落酸分子识别信号放大机理,植物激素脱落酸与分子识别膜相互作用动力学,实现植物激素脱落酸无标记和快速的新型生物光学检测技术。通过研究脱落酸光学表面等离子共振波长、穿透深度和有效半高宽度等参数,研究植物激素脱落酸快速、高选择性的分子检测与生物光学传感机理,探明植物激素脱落酸生物光学特性与微通道结构、光谱信息获取方法之间的关系,建立一种基于生物光学传感器植物激素脱落酸快速检测方案,揭示植物激素多成分同时检测的技术内涵。 本项目的实施将满足我国植物激素脱落酸快速检测需求,进一步确立生物光学传感技术在农业生命科学领域应用特色,取得具有国际影响的创新性研究成果。
中文关键词: 表面等离子共振;脱落酸;生物光学传感器;植物激素芯片;
英文摘要: In order to solve the problem of rapid detection of plant hormones,a new detection method needs to be established, which meets the requirements including high specificity and sensitivity, and intellectual property rights. Several studies involving optical properties of abscisic acid (ABA) based on optical surface plasmon resonance(SPR), plant hormones bio-optical sensors, ABA bio-optical chip, ABA signal amplification mechanism, ABA biomolecular interaction will be performed to realize the ABA rapid detection without labeling and achieve the new bio-optical technologies for rapid detection of the ABA. The highly selective molecular detection and bio-optical sensing mechanism, and the relationship among the ABA bio-optical properties and the micro-channel structure and spectral signal acquisition are validated and the ABA rapid detection solution based on bio-optical sensor is established, and the technical connotation of multiple compositions detection simultaneously is revealed through the researches of the wavelength, penetration depth and effective full width at half maximum of the ABA optical SPR sensors. The implementation of this project will meet the rapid detection demand of ABA in China and further establish the application features of bio-optical sensor technology in the field of agriculture and l
英文关键词: Surface plasmon resonance;Abscisic acid;Bio-optical sensor;Plant hormones chip;