项目名称: 系留气艇气溶胶采样器研制及气溶胶活化特性的垂直变化的观测研究
项目编号: No.41205098
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 大气科学学科
项目作者: 邓兆泽
作者单位: 中国科学院大气物理研究所
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 大气气溶胶直接或间接的影响着地球的能量平衡和水循环等。人来活动导致了气溶胶大量增加,使得气溶胶的气候效应备受关注。由于气溶胶与云之间有复杂的机制和反馈,间接气候效应成为大气科学的研究热点。大部分研究工作关注于地面或者整层气溶胶的性质与云和气候的关系。然而,气溶胶有明显的垂直变化,人类活动增加的气溶胶大多积聚在边界层内。研究地面大量排放的气溶胶对云的作用,就需要观测分析气溶胶及其活化特性的垂直分布。 为此,本项目计划集成已有系留气艇技术和地基气溶胶特性和云凝结核观测技术,创新研制一套系留气艇搭载的气溶胶样气采样观测系统,为气溶胶活化特性的垂直变化特征观测提供新型观测平台;通过一个时期的加强观测研究,获取气溶胶谱以及分档活化率的垂直分布特征,评估边界层内外气溶胶及活化特性的差异,分析边界层气溶胶对高空气溶胶及云的可能影响。
中文关键词: 气溶胶;云凝结核;黑碳;垂直分布;粒径分布
英文摘要: Atmospheric aerosols influence the energy balance and water cycle, directly and indirectly. The aerosol loading has been increasing with increasing human activities. Great efforts are made to investigate the impact of anthropogenic aerosols on climate, especially the influence of aerosol on clouds and the feedbacks of clouds. Most of the studies focused on the relationship between near-surface or column-integrated aerosol and the cloud or precipitation. The anthropogenic aerosols, however, mostly accumulate inside the boundary layer and vary dramaticly at different heights. The measurements of the vertical distribution of aerosols and their activation properties are essential to investigate the effect of surface-emitted aerosols on clouds. Based on the tethered balloon and the measurement suit of aerosol activation properties, this project aims at developing a tethered balloon-borne air sampling system which provide a solution for the measurement of the vertical distribution of aerosol. Aerosol size distribution and aerosol activation properties for several heights will be obtained during an intensive measurement campaign. These results will bring great advantage to evaluating the difference of aerosol activation properties and understanding the influence of the heavy aerosol pollutants inside the boundary lay
英文关键词: Aerosol;Cloud Condensation Nuclei;Black Carbon;Vertical Distribution;Size Distribution