项目名称: 基于事前约束的XML关键字查询处理技术
项目编号: No.61472339
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 周军锋
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 关键字查询处理是XML数据管理领域研究的热点问题之一。由于现有关键字查询接口仅支持简单的关键字,因此实际中常出现查询语义和查询意图偏离的情况,导致用户在查询处理后从大量返回结果中费时费力的甄别符合自身查询意图的信息(事后处理方式)。与此不同,本项目研究通过事前约束(指在查询算法执行前指定约束信息)来增强关键字的查询意图表达能力,以及解决由此带来的技术难题,包括(1)实时查询提示策略,为用户实时展示相关的约束条件,协助其输入满足查询意图的查询;(2)支持多种语义及其关系求解的高效编码、索引及并行执行策略;(3)有效的结果分组和排序策略;(4)基于用户需求多样化的结果子树构建策略。通过解决由于引入事前约束而带来的以上技术问题,搭建查询意图表达能力强、响应机动快速的XML 关键字查询处理系统,对课题所提出的理论和方法进行验证,最终实现缩减用户事后处理代价,加速用户获取所需信息的目标。
中文关键词: 数据库;数据管理;XML数据管理;信息检索;查询优化
英文摘要: Keyword search is one of the hot research issues for XML data management. As existing keyword search systems only support simple keywords, the deviation between query semantics and users' query intention is observed frequently in practice, resulting in huge burden on users to identify desired information from large volumes of returned results, which we call as post-processing. Different from this processing strategy, we study to enhance a keyword query's power in describing users'query intention by applying constraints on input keywords before query processing, and solve the hard problems appeared in this situation, including (1) query hinting in real time, such that to provide users relevant constraints, and help them to formulate queries that reflects their query intentions; (2) efficient labeling schemes, indexes and parallel execution strategies for supporting different query semantics and their relationships; (3) effective result clustering and ranking strategy; (4) result subtree constructing strategy based on various requirements from different users. By solving the above problems, we will implement a prototype system, which can describe users' query intentions accurately, while at the same time, can give quick feedback to users, such that to verify the correct of the proposed theories and approaches, and finally, implement the ultimate goal of significantly reducing users' post-processing cost and accelerating the process for users to get desired information.
英文关键词: Database;Data Management;XML Data Management;Information Retrieval;Query Optimization