项目名称: 基于咔唑氧化偶联聚合反应制备有机共轭多孔聚合物及相关性能的研究
项目编号: No.21274033
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陈琦
作者单位: 国家纳米科学中心
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟设计合成多种含咔唑基团且具有三维结构的刚性有机单体分子,通过咔唑基团之间高效的氧化偶联反应,形成结构稳定并具有无限网络孔道的有机共轭多孔聚合物, 并表征其结构和考察材料的多孔性。通过调节有机单体分子的大小、长度和结构类型以及引入其它杂原子等方法,调控所制备有机多孔材料的孔道结构和比表面积、孔容与孔径分布等孔隙率参数。由于所制备的多孔材料一般都具有较大的比表面积和孔容,含有以微孔为主包含部分介孔的多元孔道,有利于对小分子气体的吸附与分离,所以将重点研究此类多孔材料对氢气、二氧化碳或甲烷等气体的吸附性能。同时,基于含咔唑共轭聚合物和功能化单体的特殊性质,将探索所制备多孔材料对甲醛、甲醇或甲苯等毒性易挥发有机物的吸附与转化功能。通过相关研究推动有机多孔材料在能源、环境及异相催化领域中的应用。
中文关键词: 氧化偶联聚合;咔唑;多孔聚合物;吸附;催化
英文摘要: Versatile rigid organic monomers containing cabazole moieties are designed and synthesized to form the conjugated porous organic polymers via efficient cabazole-based oxidative coupling polymerization. Chemical structures and permanent porosities of the polymers will be fully characterized, tested, and analyzed. Porous structures and properties, such as specific surface area, micropore surface area, pore volume, and pore size distribution, can be controlled through adjustment of the size and structure of monomers as well as introduction of heteroatom (oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur). The obtained polymers are expected to possess high specific surface area, large pore volume and dominant micropore structure, which are beneficial to gas storage and seperation . Therefore, the uptake capacity and selective adsorption of the porous polymers for the gas (hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane) under the different conditions will be thoroughly studied. Meanwhile, due to the special properties of conjugated polycabazoles and monomer functions, parts of the porous polymers also show potential use in adsorption and insitu transformation of some toxic volatile organics such as methanol, formaldehyde, and toluene. For this reason, the related exploration and investigation will also be conducted. The main purpose of this proje
英文关键词: oxidative coupling polymerization;cabazole;porous polymers;adsorption;catalysis