项目名称: 重金属离子在功能化纤蛇纹石纳米管上的吸附性能及机理研究
项目编号: No.21277039
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境科学、安全科学
项目作者: 于少明
作者单位: 合肥工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目旨在研究一种新的、高效的吸附材料制取方法及其去除重金属离子的性能与机理。首先利用共沉淀法在天然纤蛇纹石纳米管上组装磁性铁氧化物,利用水热法人工合成出磁性的纤蛇纹石纳米管;进而利用环境友好的低温等离子体技术在磁性纤蛇纹石纳米管表面可控接枝上巯基、胺基等有机功能基团,制备一种具有磁性及优良吸附性能和选择性能的功能化纤蛇纹石纳米管复合材料。利用宏观静态吸附法和微观表征技术(TEM、FT-IR、XPS等)相结合,研究该材料对重金属离子(Pb(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)和Cr(Ⅲ))的选择性能和吸附性能,探明影响重金属离子在该材料上吸附的主要因素及其影响规律,揭示该材料的组成与吸附重金属离子性能之间的关系,阐明其对重金属离子的吸附机理等。本项目研究可为发展重金属离子处理用的新型吸附材料和新技术提供创新性学术思想,研究成果对污染物处理技术、环境化学、材料化学、环境工程等分支学科研究都具有重要的借鉴意义。
中文关键词: 重金属离子;吸附;纤蛇纹石纳米管;有机功能化;磁分离
英文摘要: In this project, the method of preparation of a new kind of highly efficient adsorption material and its performance and mechanism of removal of heavy metal ions were studied. Firstly, the natural chrysotile nanotubes was composited with magnetic iron oxide by coprecipitation mothod and the artificial magnetic chrysotile nanotubes was synthesized by hydrothermal method. Secondly, the mercapto, amino and other organic functional groups were controllably grafted to the surface of the magnetic chrysotile nanotubes by the environmental friendly low temperature plasma technology and the functionalized chrysotile nanotube composites with the magnetic properties and excellent selective performance and adsorption features were prepared. Based on the static adsorption method and micro characterization techniques (TEM, FT-IR, XPS, etc), the selective performance and adsorption features of heavy metal ions (Pb (Ⅱ), Cd (Ⅱ) and Cr (Ⅲ)) on the nanocomposite materials were researched. The main factors affecting the selective performance and adsorption features of heavy metal ions on the nanocomposite materials and the affecting rules were ascertained. The relationship between the nanocomposite material compositions and heavy metal ions adsorption features was revealed. The adsorption mechanism of heavy metal ions on the nanoco
英文关键词: heavy metal ions;adsorption;chrysotile nanotubes;organic functionalization;magnetic separation