项目名称: 基于多重分形理论的岩体失稳破裂微震前兆信息识别
项目编号: No.41204035
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地球物理学和空间物理学
项目作者: 李小军
作者单位: 河南理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 微震监测技术已成为预测预报矿山动力灾害的重要技术手段之一,但在微震监测数据理论分析和识别方面的研究滞后于现场需要。深部岩体在复杂应力条件下表现出明显的非线性力学特征,对岩体破裂的微震信号进行识别和分析以反演岩体内部的结构状态,也必须使用非线性理论才更符合现场实际。 本项目通过一系列岩石单轴及多轴加卸载声发射实验和矿山现场围岩微震活动监测等试验研究,探索岩体破坏过程中微震事件的活动规律;建立描述微震信号时-空-强多参数分布的多重分形理论模型,分析微震信号频度、空间、能量分布的广义多分维值的变化规律,实现对岩体失稳破裂微震前兆信息的识别和分析,揭示开采过程中应力积累诱发岩体内部损伤演化与岩体微震活动性之间的内在联系,达到对岩体失稳破坏引发的矿山动力灾害提前进行预测的目的。项目实施对矿山微震信号的识别和分析,探索岩体失稳破坏机理,预测深部矿山动力灾害有重要的理论价值和现实意义。
中文关键词: 声发射;微震监测;动力灾害;预测预报;
英文摘要: Microseismic monitoring technique has become one of the important technical means to forecast dynamic disaster in mine, but in microseismic monitoring data analysis and recognition of the research behind the mine site needs. Deep rock mass under complex stress state exhibited obvious nonlinear mechanics characteristics of rock mass fracture, microseismic signal identification and analysis of rock mass with inversion structural state, also must use the nonlinear theory is more consistent with the actual. This project through a series of uniaxial and triaxial loading experiment of acoustic emission monitoring of surrounding rock and mine site microseismic activities of the experimental research, exploring the rock failure process of microseismic event activity rule; Establishing microseismic signal time -space- strong multi parameter distribution of multi-fractal theory model, analysis of microseismic signal frequency, space, the energy distribution of the generalized fractal dimension value change rule, realizes to the rock unstable failure of seismic precursory information identification and analysis, revealed in the process of mining induced rock mass stress accumulation damage evolution and on microseismic activity between the inner link, achieve the aim of forecasting unstable failure of rock mass by dynamic
英文关键词: Acoustic Emission;Micro seismic;dynamic disasters;prediction;