项目名称: 压力对硼酸盐纳米材料的结构和光学性质调控研究
项目编号: No.11304300
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 代如成
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 硼酸盐纳米材料的发光性质与其尺寸、维度、形貌密切相关,它们决定着纳米体系的原子结构以及相应的电子状态。利用高压技术对硼酸盐纳米材料的结构、尺寸、维度、形貌的调控,既可以探究压力对材料的结构、发光性质的影响,又有助于开发具有新颖特性的新材料。本项目采用原位高压实验技术,研究硼酸盐纳米材料的尺寸、形貌、表面能、掺杂对其高压下结构相变和光学性能的影响,探索高压结构相变和光学性能的变化机制,确定高压相的结构和稳定条件,建立高压相和优良光学性质的联系。通过本项目研究,为硼酸盐纳米材料的应用和新型功能材料的设计提供科学依据和理论指导。
中文关键词: 荧光粉;发光;相变;高温;高压
英文摘要: The properties of borate nanomaterials are strongly related with their sizes and dimensions, which determine the atomic structure and electronic state of nano-systems. By modulating the structrue, size, dimensions and morphologies of nanomaterials with high pressure technique, we can not only study the influence of pressure on both crystal structure and optical properties of the material, but also explore novel materials. In this project, using in situ high presusre techniques, we study the effect of borate nanomaterials' size, morphology, surface energy, doping on the structural phase transition and optical properties under high pressure. We explore the mechanism of structural phase transition and optical properties to determine hgih pressure structure and stable conditions, to establish the relation between high-pressure structure and excellent optical propeties. From the studies of the project, it can provide technical and theoretical support for the applications of borate nanomaterials and the design of new functional materials.
英文关键词: Phosphor;Luminescence;Phase transformation;High temperature ;High pressure