项目名称: 高温超导本征约瑟夫森结阵列亚太赫兹辐射信号探测研究
项目编号: No.11264009
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 岳宏卫
作者单位: 桂林电子科技大学
项目金额: 63万元
中文摘要: 太赫兹/亚太赫兹技术在信息通信、深空探测、国家安全和医学成像等事关国计民生的诸多领域中都具有非常重要的应用价值。但长期以来,由于缺乏产生和检测亚太赫兹波的有效方法,使得该波段电磁波的应用成为空白。由于超导约瑟夫森结器件是一种特性优良的高频波信号源,因此基于高温超导本征约瑟夫森结阵列的亚太赫兹波信号源的研究正引起广泛的重视。本课题拟研究高温超导本征约瑟夫森结阵列亚太赫兹信号产生及其探测的关键技术。主要内容有:①研究高温超导本征约瑟夫森结阵列超高频电磁振荡和辐射的机制,为提高本征结阵列亚太赫兹辐射信号的输出功率提供理论指导;②研究高温超导本征约瑟夫森结阵列的制备工艺和实现稳定相位锁定的有效方法:③研究提高本征约瑟夫森结阵列亚太赫兹辐射信号耦合输出功率的有效方法和途径。通过对该课题的深入研究,争取研制出基于高温超导本征约瑟夫森结阵列的实用的亚太赫兹波信号源,以填补该波段电磁应用的空白。
中文关键词: 高温超导薄膜;本征约瑟夫森结阵列;本征约瑟夫森效应;亚太赫兹辐射;
英文摘要: Terahertz/Subterahertz technology has a great of important applications, such as telecommunication, outer-space exploration, national security, medical imaging, etc. Due to the lack of effective methods to generate and detect subterahertz wave, the research in the Sub-THz band is very limited and remain relatively unexplored. Recently, many researcher groups have attached importance to the subterahertz source based on high temperature superconducting intrinsic Josephson junction array due to its high performance.It will be studied in this project that the key technologies of generating and detecting subterahertz radiation based on high temperature superconducting intrinsic Josephson junction array. Including:①studying on the mechanism of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic oscillation and radiation in high temperature superconducting intrinsic Josephson junction array, which will provide theoretical guidance to increase the output power from the intrinsic junction array in the subterahertz band;② studying on the fabrication process of high temperature superconducting intrinsic Josephson junction array and the effective methods for achieving stable phase locking between each single junction;③studying on the effective methods to improve the electromagnetic coupling intensity between high temperature superconducti
英文关键词: High temperature superconducting film;Intrinsic Josephson junction array;Intrinsic Josephson effect;Subterahertz radiation;