项目名称: 喷射混凝土隧道结构耐久性与寿命预测研究
项目编号: No.51278403
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 牛荻涛
作者单位: 西安建筑科技大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 本项目以喷射混凝土隧道结构为研究对象,系统开展喷射混凝土隧道结构的耐久性损伤机理与结构性能退化规律、耐久性设计与评估理论方法研究。采用模拟试验与现场试验相结合、理论分析与工程验证相结合的方法,从喷射混凝土微观结构组成和微观结构特征研究出发,以喷射混凝土与模筑混凝土微观结构性能差异及其对耐久性影响研究为核心,考虑不同地域隧道工程腐蚀介质和环境特点,研究区域环境下喷射混凝土结构的耐久性损伤机理和性能退化模型;针对典型隧道工程环境与结构特征,研究喷射混凝土结构在多环境因素耦合及围岩压力共同作用下的结构性能退化规律,建立喷射混凝土衬砌结构性能退化模型;研究喷射混凝土隧道结构耐久性失效标准,建立隧道结构耐久性与安全性及使用性的关系,构建隧道结构耐久性设计与评估理论。本项目立足工程实际,瞄准学科前沿,适应重大基础设施建设的迫切需求,对学科发展与保证现代隧道工程的安全耐久具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。
中文关键词: 喷射混凝土;性能劣化规律;侵蚀机理;试验研究;微观表征
英文摘要: With shotcrete tunnel structure selected as research object,this project will conduct a system research on durability damage mechanism, structural performance degradation law, durability design as well as assessment methodologies. The combination of environmental simulation test and field test, theoretical analysis and engineering validation will be used in this research. Based on micro-structural composition and characteristics of shotcrete and the difference between shotcrete and form working concrete, the durability damage mechanism and performance degradation law of shotcrete under regional corrosive medium will be studied. For typical tunnel structures, the structural performance degradation mechanism and law of shotcrete under the combined action of environmental coupling effect and surrounding rock pressure will be given. The durability failure standard and relationship among durability, safety and usability as well as durability design and assessment method of shotcrete tunnel structure will also be presented. Based on practical engineering and aimed at the frontier, this project satisfy the urgent demand of infrastructure construction, it has great important theoretical and practical significance to the discipline development and the modern tunneling security.
英文关键词: shotcrete;performance deterioration law;corrosion mechanism;experimental research;microstructure characterization