项目名称: 非球形降水粒子谱测量方法研究
项目编号: No.41475143
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 佘勇
作者单位: 成都信息工程大学
项目金额: 79万元
中文摘要: 准确测量降水在气象、水文、灾害防御等方面意义重大。雷达能大范围估测降水,但精度不够。其原因是雷达探测降水采用了球形粒子瑞利散射的近似模型,且订正雷达数据的地面雨量站测量精度不够。雨滴谱仪的降水测量性能比传统雨量计优秀,但其基于球形降水粒子模型的前提并不总是成立,尤其在强降水时。研究非球形降水粒子谱测量技术,可以从原理上解决直接测量强降水存在的误差问题,提高雷达降水估测的准确性。本研究项目基于降水粒子的激光传输衰减原理,设置正交平行/同向平行的三层激光束完成粒子谱测量。由正交平行光束扫描实现粒子水平尺度测量;由同向平行光束扫描实现粒子位置匹配,计算粒子穿越层间时间实现下落速度测量;再由粒子穿越单层光束时间来实现垂直尺度测量。引入非线性图像处理、模型匹配等方法,求解降水粒子谱。通过实验室雨滴实验和自然雨滴实验修正数据处理方法、整改电路和结构。最后进行雷达、雨量计和雨滴谱仪等对比实验
中文关键词: 非球形;雨滴谱;降水测量;激光雨滴衰减;模型匹配
英文摘要: Accurate measurement of the precipitation has significant contribution in meteorology, hydrology and disaster prevention. Radar can estimate precipitation in large scale but insufficient in the accuracy. The reason is that radar uses the Rayleigh scattering model to the spherical particles in the precipitation measurement. Meanwhile, the precipitation accuracy used to correct the radar data and collected from the rainfall station is also insufficient. Disdrometer can achieve better measurement of the precipitation compared with traditional hyetometer, however, the premise of disdrometer to measure the rainfall can not be adaptive to all conditions especially in the strong rainfall. After the exploration of the non-spherical precipitation particle spectrum detecion technology,it can be conculded that the error in direct measurement of intense rainfall precipitation could be solved theoretically and the assessment accuracy of radar-based rainfall precipitation detection could be improved.This project based on the laser transmission attenuation theory,it sets three quadrature parallel and synclastic parallel layers lasers aims to detect the spectrum of precipitation particle.The level measurement of the precipitation particle will be implemented by the quadrature parallel laser scanning and the location-matching of precipitation particle will be implemented by the synclastic parallel laser scanning,the layers-pass-by time of precipitation particle will be calculated and get the falling velocity,and then we can get the vertical scale. Using the nonlinear image processing, model matching to detect precipitation particle spectrum. The data processing algorithm and circuit structure will be modified and optimized by the lab and nature experiments of raindrops. The effectiveness and accuracy will be compared with the radar, hyetometer, spherical disdrometer.
英文关键词: Nonspherical;Raindrop Size Distribution;Precipitation Measuring;Laser Raindrop Attenuation;Model Matching