项目名称: 在线电场驱动聚焦预富集-超高效液相色谱联用在全氟化合物分析中的应用研究
项目编号: No.21505068
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 潘加亮
作者单位: 南方医科大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 费力耗时的样品前处理已经成为分析过程的瓶颈,发展灵敏、快速、高效的样品前处理与色谱分析联用技术以解决瓶颈问题,已经成为分析科学领域的前沿课题。本项目拟发展一种电场驱动聚焦预富集-超高效液相色谱(UPLC)在线联用技术,并应用于持久性有机污染物全氟化合物的快速、高灵敏在线分析。这一联用技术的实现不仅可以提高分析灵敏度、速度、自动化程度和降低分析成本,还可以将大体积样品中的分析物聚焦成狭小的区带,解决UPLC在线富集容易过载的难题。该技术采用高压电场驱动,使分析物堆积于毛细管中,实现高效富集;采用阀切换技术实现在线联用。本项目将对联用系统和联用方法进行系统考察和机理研究,并应用于环境、食品和生物样品的分析,为环境污染和食品安全问题的研究提供灵敏、快速、自动化程度高、环境友好的分析方法。
中文关键词: 在线;电场驱动聚焦;预富集;超高效液相色谱
英文摘要: The bottleneck of the analytical process lies in the labor-intensive and time-consuming sample preparation procedures. Thus, the development of rapid, efficient and sensitive sample preparation technique coupled with chromatography for solving the bottleneck problem, has become frontiers of analytical science. In this project, an online electric-field-driven focusing preconcentration technique coupled with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), is proposed to be established, which will be applied to the rapid and highly sensitive online analysis of persistent organic pollutants, like perfluorochemicals. The realization of this online technique would not only improve sensitivity, speed and automation of the analytical method with lower cost, but also could overcome the volume overload problem of online enrichment-UPLC analysis by focusing analytes from large volume of sample to generate a narrow zone. Driven by high electric field, the analytes can stack in the capillary for highly efficient enrichment. The online coupling of electric-field-driven focusing preconcentration with UPLC will be realized by valve-switching technique. The features of the online system and the online analytical method would be systematically investigated, including the mechanism of online electric-field-driven focusing. This online system would be applied to the analysis of environmental, food and biological samples, providing a rapid, sensitive, selective, environmentally friendly analytical method for the study of environmental pollution and food security.
英文关键词: online;electric-field-driven focusing;preconcentration;UPLC